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Número total de livros encontrados: 40 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!
Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness

Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness

Autor: Fabrizio Didonna

Número de Páginas: 535

Over the last two decades, Eastern psychology has provided fertile ground for therapists, as a cornerstone, a component, or an adjunct of their work. In particular, research studies are identifying the Buddhist practice of mindfulness—a non-judgmental self-observation that promotes personal awareness—as a basis for effective interventions for a variety of disorders. The Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness is a clearly written, theory-to-practice guide to this powerful therapeutic approach (and related concepts in meditation, acceptance, and compassion) and its potential for treating a range of frequently encountered psychological problems. Key features of the Handbook: A neurobiological review of how mindfulness works. Strategies for engaging patients in practicing mindfulness. Tools and techniques for assessing mindfulness. Interventions for high-profile conditions, including depression, anxiety, trauma Special chapters on using mindfulness in oncology and chronic pain. Interventions specific to children and elders, Unique applications to inpatient settings. Issues in professional training. Appendix of exercises. The Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness includes the contributions of ...

Acceptance & Mindfulness Treatments for Children & Adolescents

Acceptance & Mindfulness Treatments for Children & Adolescents

Autor: Laurie A. Greco , Steven C. Hayes

Número de Páginas: 314

The essays in Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments for Children and Adolescents--which are edited by two luminaries in the field of third-wave behavior therapy--offer a much-needed adaptation of these revolutionary techniques for young people and their families, providing a wealth of new approaches to therapists, counselors, and other helping professionals.

Mindfulness and Acceptance

Mindfulness and Acceptance

Autor: Steven C. Hayes , Victoria M. Follette , Marsha Linehan

Número de Páginas: 348

This volume examines a number of increasingly popular therapies that have emerged over the last decade and that share an emphasis on such nontraditional themes as mindfulness, acceptance, relationship, values, and spirituality. Leading scientist-practitioners provide detailed descriptions of their respective approaches, discussing theoretical and empirical bases as well as clinical methods and goals. Promising applications are presented for treating a variety of challenging clinical issues and problems, including depression, anxiety, couple conflict, PTSD, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Illuminated are the ways in which indirect and experiential change strategies are being integrated with established cognitive and behavioral techniques and what this means for the future of psychotherapy research and practice.

Mindfulness and the Therapeutic Relationship

Mindfulness and the Therapeutic Relationship

Autor: Steven F. Hick , Thomas Bien

Número de Páginas: 257

A number of books have explored the ways psychotherapy clients can benefit from learning and practicing mindfulness. This is the first volume to focus specifically on how mindfulness can deepen the therapeutic relationship. Grounded in research, chapters demonstrate how therapists' own mindfulness practice can help them to listen more attentively and be more fully present. Leading proponents of different treatment approaches—including behavioral, psychodynamic, and family systems perspectives—illustrate a variety of ways that mindfulness principles can complement standard techniques and improve outcomes by strengthening the connection between therapist and client. Also presented are practical strategies for integrating mindfulness into clinical training.

Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches

Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches

Autor: Ruth A. Baer

Número de Páginas: 452

Eastern spiritual traditions have long maintained that mindfulness meditation can improve well-being. More recently, mindfulness-based treatment approaches have been successfully utilized to treat anxiety, depressive relapse, eating disorders, psychosis, and borderline personality disorder. This book discusses the conceptual foundation, implementation, and evidence base for the four best-researched mindfulness treatments: mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). All chapters were written by researchers with extensive clinical experience. Each chapter includes the conceptual rationale for using a mindfulness-based treatment and a review of the relevant evidence base. A detailed case study illustrates how the intervention is implemented in "real life," exploring the clinical and practical issues that may arise and how they can be managed. This book will be of use to clinicians and researchers interested in understanding and implementing mindfulness based treatments. * Comprehensive introduction to the best-researched mindfulness-based treatments * Covers wide ...

The Mindfulness Solution

The Mindfulness Solution

Autor: Ronald D. Siegel

Número de Páginas: 369

Mindfulness offers a path to well-being and tools for coping with life's inevitable hurdles. And though mindfulness may sound exotic, you can cultivate it--and reap its proven benefits--without special training or lots of spare time. Trusted therapist and mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald Siegel shows exactly how in this inviting guide. You'll get effective strategies to use while driving to work, walking the dog, or washing the dishes, plus tips on creating a formal practice routine in as little as 20 minutes a day. Flexible, step-by-step action plans will help you become more focused and efficient in daily life; cope with difficult feelings, such as anger and sadness; deepen your connection to your spouse or partner; feel more rested and less stressed; curb unhealthy habits; find relief from anxiety and depression; and resolve stress-related pain, insomnia, and other physical problems. Free audio downloads of the meditation exercises are available at the author's website: www.mindfulness-solution.com. Start living a more balanced life--today.

Media Mindfulness

Media Mindfulness

Autor: Gretchen Hailer , Rose Pacatte

Número de Páginas: 152

Whether you are a Catholic high school teacher of any discipline, a catechist, or a youth minister, feel confident that you can educate teens in one of the most difficult yet crucial areas of their growth in faith. Beware! Sister Media and Sister Catechist have written an information-packed resource that also shares their sense of fun and exploration. You and your students might consider this study of Media Mindfulness to be one of the most enjoyable and meaningful educational experiences in high school!

Assessing Mindfulness & Acceptance Processes in Clients

Assessing Mindfulness & Acceptance Processes in Clients

Autor: Ruth A. Baer

Número de Páginas: 330

Assesses the effectiveness of mind-based intervention that use meditation techniques originating from yoga and Buddhist approaches such as MBSR (Mind-Based Stress Reduction), MBCT (Mind-Based Cognitive Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), and ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy).

Beginning Mindfulness

Beginning Mindfulness

Autor: Andrew Weiss

Número de Páginas: 264

A Simple Manual That Really Works Knowing that most people do not stop their lives to engage in spiritual practice, Buddhist teacher Andrew Weiss has always taught the direct application of practice to daily life. While also teaching sitting and walking meditation, he emphasizes mindfulness — the practice of seeing every action as an opportunity to awaken meditative inquiry. Over the years, Andrew has honed his teachings into an effective ten-week course with progressive steps and home-play assignments. Beginning Mindfulness is intended for anyone practicing in daily life without the luxury of long meditation retreats. Weiss skillfully blends the traditions of his teachers into an easy and humorous program of learning the Buddhist art of mindfulness.

Mindfulness for Two

Mindfulness for Two

Autor: Kelly G. Wilson , Troy Dufrene

Número de Páginas: 266

Accompanying DVD-ROM contains ... "video, audio, and reproducible worksheets and assessments."--DVD-ROM label.

The Mindfulness Workbook

The Mindfulness Workbook

Autor: Thomas Roberts

Número de Páginas: 210

"The Mindfulness Workbook" guides readers through ten exercises that enable them to experience mindfulness for themselves, not as a distant experience of enlightenment, but as a practical, attainable state from which they can see their lives more clearly. This book is the perfect resource for anyone who would like to put mindfulness to work in their lives right away to gain perspective and achieve calm. The book guides readers through the experience of spaciousness, thought watching, the CenterPoint[copyright] breathing process, mindful eating, and six other experiences that help readers understand mindfulness on a deeply personal level and fully incorporate its tenets into their lives.

Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery

Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery

Autor: Linda Carlson , Michael Speca

Número de Páginas: 210

A Mind-Body Approach to Healing If you have received a cancer diagnosis, you know that the hundreds of questions and concerns you have about what's to come can be as stressful as the cancer treatment itself. But research shows that if you mentally prepare yourself to handle cancer treatment by getting stress and anxiety under control, you can improve your quality of life and become an active participant in your own recovery. Created by leading psychologists specializing in oncology, the Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery program is based on mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a therapeutic combination of mindfulness meditation and gentle yoga now offered to cancer survivors and their loved ones in hundreds of medical centers, hospitals, and clinics worldwide. Let this book be your guide as you let go of fear and focus on getting well. With this eight-week program, you'll learn to: • Use proven MBSR skills during your treatment and recovery • Boost your immune function through meditation and healing yoga • Calm feelings of fear, uncertainty, and lack of control • Mindfully manage difficult symptoms and side effects • Discover your own capacity for healing and...

La méditation de pleine conscience - Tout savoir sur la mindfulness

La méditation de pleine conscience - Tout savoir sur la mindfulness

Autor: Angelique Excoffier , Léa Mercier

Número de Páginas: 147

Parce que la méditation de pleine conscience est partout, dans le métro, à la radio, à la télévision, sur toutes les étagères et les smartphones, elle soulève de nombreuses questions. Pour tout vous dire sur la pleine conscience, les auteurs ont cherché à répondre de manière objective et synthétique aux nombreuses questions que vous pourriez vous poser sur cette nouvelle approche et abordent dans cet ouvrage: Les définitions et les notions de la pleine conscience, ainsi que ses apports, ses limites et les idées reçues à son sujet; Les études scientifiques sur la pleine conscience et ses applications thérapeutiques face aux souffrances psychiques ; La pratique de la pleine conscience de manière informelle ou par la méditation de pleine conscience , avec des exemples d’exercices de méditation de pleine conscience Pour prendre ce qui est bon à prendre, et laisser ce qui l’est moins... Faites-vous votre propre avis !

Mindfulness: travailler avec les émotions

Mindfulness: travailler avec les émotions

Autor: Edel Maex

Número de Páginas: 49

"Grâce à la mindfulness, découvrez une nouvelle manière de vivre débarrassé du stress quotidien. Ce livre-cd vous apprendra à mieux gérer les émotions négatives telles que l'envie, la colère et la tristesse et à les transformer en une force positive."--Résumé de l'éditeur.

Mindfulness and the Arts Therapies

Mindfulness and the Arts Therapies

Autor: Laury Rappaport

Número de Páginas: 354

This ground-breaking book explores the theoretical, clinical and training application of integrating mindfulness with all of the arts therapies, and includes cutting-edge contributions from neuroscience. Written by pioneers and leaders in the arts therapies and psychology fields, the book includes 6 sections that examine mindfulness and the arts therapies from different perspectives: 1) the history and roots of mindfulness in relation to spirituality, psychotherapy and the arts therapies; 2) the role of the expressive arts in cultivating mindful awareness; 3) innovative approaches that add mindfulness to the arts therapies; 4) arts therapies approaches that are inherently mindfulness-based; 5) mindfulness in the training and education of arts therapists; and 6) the neuroscience underlying mindfulness and the arts therapies. Contributors describe their pioneering work with diverse applications: people with cancer, trauma, chronic pain, substance abuse, severe mental illness, clients in private practice, adolescents at camp, training dance and art therapists, and more. This rich resource will inspire and rejuvenate all clinicians and educators.

Handbook of Mindfulness

Handbook of Mindfulness

Autor: Kirk Warren Brown , J. David Creswell , Richard M. Ryan

Número de Páginas: 481

"While we have learned a great deal about mindfulness in the past 30 years, unquestionably the field of mindfulness science is still maturing, and in the chapters herein the authors have taken pains to point out how the current research is limited in its methods and conclusions, and have pointed to specific ways in which future research studies can overcome these limitations. That said, the work represented in this Handbook is among the best conducted to date, measured in terms of scientific creativity, sophistication, and insight. Our hope is that this volume offers readers both a panoramic view of the current science of mindfulness and a compass to help guide its ongoing evolution"--

Astronomical Mindfulness

Astronomical Mindfulness

Autor: Christopher G. De Pree , Sarah Scoles

Número de Páginas: 180

Using the power of the sun, moon, stars, and planets, this unique, illustrated guide is filled with engaging exercises that deepen your knowledge of the solar system, help you take necessary pauses every day, and foster a renewed sense of presence in the universe. Thousands of years ago, when we humans lived together in communal caves, we told stories about the stars. When we later took to the seas, we used stellar positions to navigate and pinpoint our place in the world. When we eventually stopped migrating and settled on land, we relied on the constellations and the Sun to plant and sustain crops. Yet today, we modern humans have lost this deep connection to the cosmos that was once central to our daily lives. Astronomical Mindfulness helps us reconnect to the solar system once more, guiding us through the fundamental ways in which our planet moves through the solar system and how these motions determine our perception of time and place. Offering a concise yet in-depth look at the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, it teaches us to observe and understand the elements comprising the celestial sphere—deepening our lives and helping us become more informed, engaged, and...

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Program for Treatment of Addictions

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Program for Treatment of Addictions

Autor: Gary Anderson

Número de Páginas: 210

Master's Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Guidebooks - Self-help and Psychology, , course: Masters of Counselling Psychology, language: English, abstract: The construct of mindfulness has become a very strong influence in current changes to interventions in the area of stress reduction, depression relapse and is now seen as relevant to addiction relapse prevention. This paper explores some of the background materials pertinent to the construct and inclusion of mindfulness in treatment. Models of addiction and addiction relapse prevention are then explored leading to the current dynamic modelling. Finally the model of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention, which has been proposed by a number of authors, is explored. A proposed manual to integrate the previous work in relapse prevention while supporting it with a current model of mindfulness, will give shape to this emerging reality building on existing relapse prevention programs and mindfulness-based therapy.

Mindfulness in Eight Weeks: The revolutionary 8 week plan to clear your mind and calm your life

Mindfulness in Eight Weeks: The revolutionary 8 week plan to clear your mind and calm your life

Autor: Michael Chaskalson

Número de Páginas: 230

Find your way into Mindfulness with this engaging and practical step-by-step guide that you can follow in your own time and in the comfort of your own home.

Mindfulness: Weeks 1-2 of Your 8-Week Plan

Mindfulness: Weeks 1-2 of Your 8-Week Plan

Autor: Michael Chaskalson

Número de Páginas: 102

Available as a four fortnightly mini-programs or a full length e-book, this revolutionary 8-week Mindfulness program gives you the mental flexibility to manage your emotions, implementing cognitive therapy strategies to lower stress levels, anxiety and mental pressures, and achieve perfect balance.

Mindfulness: Weeks 7-8 of Your 8-Week Plan

Mindfulness: Weeks 7-8 of Your 8-Week Plan

Autor: Michael Chaskalson

Número de Páginas: 108

Available as a four fortnightly mini-programs or a full length e-book, this revolutionary 8-week Mindfulness program gives you the mental flexibility to manage your emotions, implementing cognitive therapy strategies to lower stress levels, anxiety and mental pressures, and achieve perfect balance.

Mindfulness: Weeks 5-6 of Your 8-Week Plan

Mindfulness: Weeks 5-6 of Your 8-Week Plan

Autor: Michael Chaskalson

Número de Páginas: 82

Available as a four fortnightly mini-programs or a full length e-book, this revolutionary 8-week Mindfulness program gives you the mental flexibility to manage your emotions, implementing cognitive therapy strategies to lower stress levels, anxiety and mental pressures, and achieve perfect balance.

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

Autor: Stan Rodski

Número de Páginas: 127

Explore the benefits of a mindful approach to life Cutting-edge studies in neuroscience have in recent years proved what many doctors, therapists and other health professionals had long suspected: simple, repetitive tasks, performed with focus and attention - mindfulness, in other words - can not only quieten our noisy thought processes and help us relax but also improve our outlook on life and protect us against a range of life-threatening illnesses. A cognitive neuroscientist and a leading authority on mental performance, Stan Rodski sets out the science behind these remarkable discoveries in simple terms, and explains how you in turn can benefit from them. As well as examining the potentially pivotal role of mindfulness in alleviating stress and managing energy, Stan highlights the most effective mindfulness activities, guides you through quick and easy exercises, and shows you how to harness the power of mindfulness over the long term to forge mental and physical resilience - and create a happier, healthier, more compelling future.

Meditation and Mindfulness. The Secrets to Raising Your Awareness, Spirituality and Inner Peace through Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation and Mindfulness. The Secrets to Raising Your Awareness, Spirituality and Inner Peace through Mindfulness Meditation

Autor: Parthiben Sivaprakasam

Número de Páginas: 34

Essay from the year 2014 in the subject Sociology - Knowledge and Information, grade: 12, -, language: English, abstract: There is a very thin arbitrary line between our daily lives and meditation. Meditation has different meanings and it perceived differently in various parts of the world. Though mindfulness is a modern term, it has its roots back in the concept of meditation. The term actually compliments meditation. This book lays a strong foundation on the basics of mindfulness and meditation by detailing constructive insights in the form of examples, exercises and facts. It also focuses on raising the inner peace, enjoying spirituality and attaining inner peace with the help of mindfulness meditation. By meditating mindfully, you are becoming aware and that is the key to inner peace and realizing your true potential.

Mindfulness for Mums and Dads

Mindfulness for Mums and Dads

Autor: Diana Korevaar

Número de Páginas: 325

The illustrated handbook that will save your sanity. As a parent, it can be all too easy to live life on automatic pilot - fulfilling one demand after another while missing out on much of the journey. And though you can't control every situation, you can influence the outcome by learning to change how you react. Dr Diana Korevaar, a practising perinatal psychiatrist, uses mindfulness practice as a powerful tool to help parents calm down, connect and reframe the challenges they face in order to experience life more positively. Grounded in science, Mindfulness for Mums and Dads features dozens of case studies, as well as simple mindfulness practices that can be carried out anywhere. These are practical tools for anyone seeking to actively engage in their own recovery from anxiety or depression, or for those no longer content to 'just exist' in life, hoping that things will get better in the future. In as little as three minutes a day, it is possible to take control of your life, become calmer and more compassionate, and be fully present for the small moments in life that create true and lasting happiness.

Poise, Awareness, Breathing. A Brief Guide to a Simple and Effective Mindfulness Training

Poise, Awareness, Breathing. A Brief Guide to a Simple and Effective Mindfulness Training

Autor: Andreas Langosch

Número de Páginas: 34

Document from the year 2022 in the subject Social Studies (General), , language: English, abstract: The mindfulness training "Poise, Awareness, Breathing" is a means to counteract the habit of avoiding the conscious experience of the present moment. Moreover, it can help us to recognize what we embody here and now, and how we embody it. It can be done standing, sitting, walking, and lying down, and consists of consciously connecting with the resources of poise, awareness, and breathing. The mindfulness training "Poise, Awareness, Breathing" is thus a basic component of resource-oriented work. The mindfulness training "Poise, Awareness, Breathing" was developed within the framework of Resource-Oriented Interviewing, a special form of resource-oriented talking.

Effects of Trait-Mindfulness on the Stress-induced Shift from Goal-directed Actions towards Habits

Effects of Trait-Mindfulness on the Stress-induced Shift from Goal-directed Actions towards Habits

Autor: Gerrit Karpowski

Número de Páginas: 42

Bachelor Thesis from the year 2016 in the subject Psychology - Cognition, grade: 1,3, University of Hamburg (Kognitionspsychologie), language: English, abstract: Individuals differ in their tendency to shift towards habitual behavior after stress. Mindfulness is an individual characteristic that does not only influence the stress response, but also cognitive processes. Therefore, effects of trait-mindfulness on the balance between goal-directed and habitual behavior after a stress induction were investigated. During this study, forty-seven healthy male and female participants mainly without meditation experience, were exposed to either a laboratory acute stress induction or a control procedure before they performed in a two-staged instrumental learning paradigm and completed a mindfulness questionnaire. Participants learned the acquired discriminations and a congruence effect, as predicted, was found. Moreover, explicit knowledge was highly indicative of level of goal-directedness. The stress manipulation was successful. Stressed individuals did not shift more towards habits. Mindfulness did not predict the level of goal-directedness, neither did it affect stress responses. Future ...

Humanisme et Mindfulness, une éducation pour le XXIe siècle

Humanisme et Mindfulness, une éducation pour le XXIe siècle

Autor: Collectif

Número de Páginas: 489

Le colloque "Humanisme et Mindfulness" dont ce livre rend compte est l'aboutissement d'une recherche pour le bien de notre monde et de ses habitants. Il s'inscrit dans la suite des rencontres "Ecologie et Spiritualité" et "Economie et Spiritualité" qui l'ont précédé. Il est apparu au fil de ces colloques que les questions d'ordre écologique et économique ont leur origine et leur solution dans nos esprits et nos comportements, elles sont fondamentalement produites par notre mentalité humaine et notre relation à notre monde. Aussi est-ce dans la transformation de nos habitudes et de notre mentalité, de notre relation au monde et à nous-mêmes, que nous pouvons espérer transformer les réalités économiques et écologiques. Cette transformation intérieure et relationnelle est ce que nous entendons par "humanisme global" ou "humanisme intégral", qui est somme toute un "humanisme naturel". L'expérience pleine de l'instant présent se découvre dans une pratique, l'entraînement à la pleine présence, que l'on nomme mindfulness en anglais. Aujourd'hui, des recherches scientifiques ont démontré l'utilité de l'esprit méditatif généré par ces pratiques pour...

Mindfulness : Pleine Conscience pour la Performance

Mindfulness : Pleine Conscience pour la Performance

Autor: Jean Fournier , Marjorie Bernier

Número de Páginas: 178

Ce livre présente le programme Pleine Conscience pour la Performance (PCP) un programme de préparation mentale pour améliorer la concentration des sportifs dans les situations à enjeux. S'appuyant sur les dernières recherches scientifiques en psychologie du sport, le programme PCP utilise la pleine conscience comme outil de performance, qui a fait ses preuves auprès de nombreux athlètes dans le cadre de leur préparation mentale, quel que soit leur niveau ou leur sport (golf, natation, patinage artistique, judo, escrime, taekwondo, tennis...). L'ouvrage présente le programme suivant trois axes : Comment développer sa pleine conscience ? Sur quoi se concentrer pour performer ? Comment avoir des routines efficaces ? LES PLUS Une playlist audio d'une heure pour entraîner la pleine conscience, des exemples d'exercices, des références et des liens.

The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety

The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety

Autor: John P. Forsyth , Georg H. Eifert

Número de Páginas: 286

Workbook, Source book.

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation

Autor: Yi-yuan Tang

Número de Páginas: 103

This book presents the latest neuroscience research on mindfulness meditation and provides guidance on how to apply these findings to our work, relationships, health, education and daily lives. Presenting cutting-edge research on the neurological and cognitive changes associated with its practice Tang aims to explain how it reaps positive effects and subsequently, how best to undertake and implement mindfulness practice. Mindfulness neuroscience research integrates theory and methods from eastern contemplative traditions, western psychology and neuroscience, and is based on neuroimaging techniques, physiological measures and behavioural tests. The Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation begins by explaining these foundations and then moves on to themes such as the impact of personality and how mindfulness can shape behaviour change, attention and self-control. Finally, the book discusses common misconceptions about mindfulness and challenges in future research endeavours. Written by an expert in the neuroscience of mindfulness this book will be valuable for scholars, researchers and practitioners in psychotherapy and the health sciences working with mindfulness, as well as those...

Why Mindfulness is Better than Chocolate

Why Mindfulness is Better than Chocolate

Autor: David Michie

Número de Páginas: 319

A beginner's guide to the powerful practice of mindfulness. By reclaiming the present moment with mindfulness practice, you can improve performance and increase wellbeing - and improve chocolate too! Mindfulness practice can help you reduce stress, improve performance, manage pain and increase wellbeing. These are the reasons why elite athletes, performing artists and business leaders are taking up the practice, and why it is being introduced into the world's most successful companies, banks, business schools - even the US Army. David Michie introduces mindfulness practice and offers innovative solutions to common obstacles. Drawing on ancient Buddhist teachings and contemporary science, he also takes us beyond 'mindfulness lite,' offering lucid instructions on how to experience the pristine nature of one's own consciousness directly - an encounter that is truly life-changing. Written with warmth and good humour, Why Mindfulness is Better than Chocolate is the ultimate guide to self-discovery. It will make chocolate taste better too! 'David Michie demonstrates a fine knack for capturing the essence of this important topic and presenting it in a fun and accessible way.' - Dr...

The Art and Science of Mindfulness

The Art and Science of Mindfulness

Autor: Shauna L. Shapiro , Linda E. Carlson

Número de Páginas: 228

"Intention is fundamental to any project, endeavor, or journey. Related to intention is the concept of mindfulness--the awareness that arises through intentionally attending to oneself and others in an open, accepting, and discerning way. Drawing from Buddhist teachings and psychological theory, authors Shapiro and Carlson explore why mindful awareness is integral to the therapeutic healing process. Their book integrates the art and science of mindfulness to inspire greater well-being in both clinicians and their patients. As such, mindfulness is understood as a universal human capacity that can help bridge the gap between therapist and patient, reminding us that we are all human beings aspiring to greater health, happiness, and freedom from suffering"--Publisher description.

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Autor: Sīlānanda (sayadaw U)

Número de Páginas: 260

A clear explanation of the Buddha's fundamental teaching on meditation, helpful to meditators from all traditions.

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

Autor: Christopher Germer , Ronald D. Siegel , Paul R. Fulton

Número de Páginas: 401

This practical book has given tens of thousands of clinicians and students a comprehensive introduction to mindfulness and its clinical applications. The book describes the philosophical underpinnings of mindfulness and reviews the growing body of treatment studies and neuroscientific research. Leading practitioners and researchers present clear-cut procedures for implementing mindfulness techniques and teaching them to patients experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and other problems. Also addressed are ways that mindfulness practices can increase acceptance and empathy in the therapeutic relationship. User-friendly features include illustrative case examples and practice exercises. New to This Edition *Incorporates significant empirical advances--mindfulness has become one of the most-researched areas in psychotherapy. *Most chapters extensively revised or rewritten. *Chapters on practical ethics, trauma, and addictions. *Greater emphasis on the role of acceptance and compassion in mindfulness. See also Sitting Together: Essential Skills for Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy, by Susan M. Pollak, Thomas Pedulla, and Ronald D. Siegel, a hands-on guide to incorporating...



Autor: Mark Williams , Danny Penman

Número de Páginas: 209

THE LIFE-CHANGING BESTSELLER - OVER 1.5 MILLION COPIES SOLD 'A deeply compassionate guide to self-care - simple and profound' Sir Kenneth Branagh 'If you want to free yourself from anxiety and stress, and feel truly at ease with yourself, then read this book' Ruby Wax Authoritative, beautifully written and much-loved by its readers, Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world has become a word-of-mouth bestseller and global phenomenon. It reveals a set of simple yet powerful practices that you can incorporate into daily life to break the cycle of anxiety, stress unhappiness and exhaustion. It promotes the kind of happiness that gets into your bones and allows you to meet the worst that life throws at you with new courage. Mindfulness is based on mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). Co-developed by Professor Mark Williams of Oxford University, MBCT is recommended by the UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and is as effective as drugs for preventing depression. But, equally, it works for the rest of us who aren't depressed but who are struggling to keep up with the relentless demands of the modern world. By investing just a few...

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