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Número total de livros encontrados: 8 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!
The Haven

The Haven

Autor: Carol Lynch Williams

Número de Páginas: 224

For the teens at The Haven, the outside world, just beyond the towering stone wall that surrounds the premises, is a dangerous unknown. It has always been this way, ever since the hospital was established in the year 2020. But The Haven is more than just a hospital; it is their home. It is all they know. Everything is strictly monitored: education, exercise, food, and rest. The rules must be followed to keep the children healthy, to help control the Disease that has cast them as Terminals, the Disease that claims limbs and lungs—and memories. But Shiloh is different; she remembers everything. Gideon is different, too. He dreams of a cure, of rebellion against the status quo. What if everything they've been told is a lie? What if The Haven is not the safe place it claims to be? And what will happen if Shiloh starts asking dangerous questions? Powerful and emotional, The Haven takes us inside a treacherous world in which nothing is as it seems. "Imagine Anna Quindlen or Sue Miller turning her attention to writing a young adult novel, and you have an idea of what Carol Lynch Williams has done for early teen readers." (Audrey Couloumbis, author of the Newbery Honor Book Getting Near ...

The Haven

The Haven

Autor: Eden Phillpotts

Número de Páginas: 368

Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.

The Haven

The Haven

Autor: Eden Phillpotts

Número de Páginas: 214

Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.

Unsafe Haven

Unsafe Haven

Autor: Carolyn Zavarine

Número de Páginas: 236

At Boston's Havenhouse Nursing Home, Will Howard, a retired professor of far eastern studies, and Joe Fiske, a former construction worker, join five women residents to begin a therapy group led by Meredith Saunders, a medical student. The Director of Nursing, Emily Rogers, doubts they are capable of having meaningful discussions, but also fears that the group will disrupt the smooth operation of her nursing home. As the group members meet with Meredith and share each other's stories of illness and family problems, they develop new friendships. The support they give each other emboldens them to confront restrictions and indignities they face daily in the nursing home. When group members break the rules so they can watch the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, Mrs. Rogers sees her prediction come true. She insists they stop therapy and engage in a more harmless activity. Inspired by Will and assisted by the staff, the group designs and supervises the creation of a Japanese garden in their backyard. In so doing, they find new self-esteem and joy. But even while they relish this achievement, all is not well. Old problems reassert themselves and unsuspected developments threaten...


Autor: Carolyn Davidson

Número de Páginas: 386

Though it hadn't killed him, the gunshot wound to his chest was going to keep Sheriff Aaron McBain out of commission for a while. So he spent his days thinking about where he'd seen Susannah Carvel's face before. By the time he'd recovered enough to recall that it had been on a Wanted poster, he couldn't believe that she was guilty of any crime. Let alone murder Susannah claimed that she'd been framed, but he would need to buy some time to prove her innocence. Giving her his name was the only way Aaron could think of to keep her safe from harm and silence the local tongues whose gossip might expose her. And he was beginning to realize that protecting Susannah had become the only thing in the world that truly mattered.


Autor: Emma Donoghue

Número de Páginas: 242

Around the year 600, three men vow to leave the world behind and set out in a small boat for an island their leader has seen in a dream, with only faith to guide them In seventh-century Ireland, a scholar priest named Artt has a dream in which God tells him to leave the sinful world behind. With two monks—young Trian and old Cormac—he rows down the River Shannon in search of an isolated spot in which to found a monastery. Drifting out into the Atlantic, the three men find the impossibly steep, bare island known today as Skellig Michael. In such a place, what will survival mean?

The Haven

Autor: Graham Diamond

Número de Páginas: 0

After hundreds of years of endless wars a new leader has arisen among the savage killer dog packs of the endless forests. A cunning canine who unites the packs and is ready to slaughter the last bastion of humanity within the walls of the guarded city of The Haven. Disaster awaits, and a single man develops an idea; a dangerous journey to counter the threat. Mankind and their hawk and falcon allies devise a plan. A single chance to keep the enemy at bay and avoid a massacre so cruel and bloody the demise of mankind-the ancient prophecy-would be fulfilled.GRAHAM DIAMOND is a writer in number nervous genres, with more than one million books in print. His cult classic, THE HAVEN, is a perennial bestseller. MAYBE YOU WILL SURVIVE is the true story of a Holocaust survivor, listed # 1 in its category at Amazon. BLACK MIDNIGHT, a police terrorist novel, and CHOCOLATE LENIN, a satire based in near-future Russia were acclaimed for their writing. Starting with fantasy he has written books on various subjects including the Zulu War of 1879, DINER OF LOST SOULS and DINER OF LOST SOULS BOOK 2.

Mundo Rural

Autor: Dulce Freire, Inês Fonseca, Paula Godinho (coord)

Número de Páginas: 73

O mundo rural aparece muitas vezes associado a estagnação, imobilismo, atraso e passividade. Nos últimos anos, as pesquisas realizadas em Portugal e Espanha têm vindo a pôr em causa estas imagens largamente difundidas. Os artigos reunidos neste livro dão conta dos debates em curso, das recentes tendências da investigação e fornecem novos dados para o século XX. Com contributos de Agronomia, Antropologia, História, Sociologia e outras ciências, analisam-se questões fundamentais para compreender o rumo e o alcance das mudanças que, no último século, atravessaram os territórios rurais da Península Ibérica.

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