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Número total de livros encontrados: 40 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!
Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh

Autor: Vincent Van Gogh , Victoria Charles

Número de Páginas: 669

Incarnation du mythe de l’artiste maudit, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) est devenu une référence de l’art contemporain. Expressionniste pendant le courant postimpressioniste, son art fut incompris tout au long de sa vie. Vincent van Gogh réalisa plus de 2000 œuvres mais n’en vendra qu’une seule tout au long de sa vie. Peintre autodidacte, sa peinture est reconnue pour sa beauté à la fois sensible et âpre. Il est aujourd’hui l’un des artistes les plus en vogue sur le marché de l’art

Vincent van Gogh par Vincent van Gogh - Vo 1

Vincent van Gogh par Vincent van Gogh - Vo 1

Autor: Victoria Charles

Número de Páginas: 244

La vie et l’Œuvre de Vincent van Gogh sont si intimement liés qu’il est presque impossible de regarder ses tableaux sans y lire l’histoire de sa vie. Une vie si souvent décrite qu’elle est devenue légende, Van Gogh étant l’incarnation même de la souffrance, du martyre de l’artiste moderne incompris, étranger au monde qui l’entoure. « Lorsqu’on vit avec d’autres et qu’on est lié par un sentiment d’affection, on comprend alors qu’on a une raison de vivre, que l’on n’est pas entièrement indigne et sans valeur mais que l’on sert peut-être à quelque chose. Nous avons en effet tous besoin les uns des autres et cheminons ensemble comme des compagnons de voyage. Notre estime pour nous-mêmes est, elle aussi, fort dépendante de notre relation aux autres. Un prisonnier condamné à la solitude, qu’on empêche de travailler, etc., en souffre à la longue, surtout si cela dure trop longtemps, aussi sûrement que s’il avait été privé de nourriture. Comme tout un chacun, j’ai besoin d’amitié et d’affection, de relations proches. Je ne suis point fait de pierre ou de fer comme une pompe ou un réverbère… » L’avenir lui donnera raison.



Número de Páginas: 100

Revista Trip. Um olhar criativo para a diversidade, em reportagens de comportamento, esportes de prancha, cultura pop, viagens, além dos ensaios de Trip Girl e grandes entrevistas

Les plus belles œuvres de Vincent Van Gogh

Les plus belles œuvres de Vincent Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 43

« Van Gogh a eu, à un degré rare, ce par quoi un homme se différencie d'un autre : le style. » Octave Mirbeau

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Vincent Van Gogh

Autor: Evert Van Uitert , Johannes Van Der Wolk , Louis Van Tilborgh , Ronald Pickvance , Vincent Van Gogh , E. B. F.. Pey , Sjraar Van Heugten

Número de Páginas: 336
Vincent Van Gogh: Drawings

Vincent Van Gogh: Drawings

Autor: Vincent Van Gogh , Johannes Van Der Wolk

Número de Páginas: 346

This slipcased set of two volumes contain beautifully reproduced paintings and drawings that VIncent Van Gogh wished to be remembered by. These include his extraordinary still lifes, landscapes, portraits, and self-portraits. More than 500 drawings in glorious color and crisp black-and-white photographs.

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Autor: Alfred H. Barr

Número de Páginas: 276

First Published in 1967. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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Vincent Van Gogh

Autor: Pierre Descargues , Vincent Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 150
Recueil important des oeuvres de Vincent Van Gogh: Portraits et nus

Recueil important des oeuvres de Vincent Van Gogh: Portraits et nus

Autor: Vincent Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 100
Van Gogh's Finale

Van Gogh's Finale

Autor: Martin Bailey

Número de Páginas: 242

Van Gogh’s Finale is a definitive account of the final days of the artist’s life and the incredible story of what followed.

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh

Autor: Isabel Kuhl

Número de Páginas: 0

At once a beautiful art book and a biography, this volume brings into sharp focus the life of Vincent van Gogh as well as his mesmerizing paintings, such as The Starry Night and Bedroom in Arles. Anyone studying a Van Gogh painting with its heavily articulated brushstrokes, dazzling color, and hypnotic perspective will wonder about the artist who created such masterpieces. Although some details of the Dutch artist's brief and tragic life have been mythologized into popular culture, this book takes a deeper look at Van Gogh's personal history and oeuvre. Drawing on Van Gogh's personal correspondence, this book allows readers to experience the artist's life and work simultaneously, with brilliant reproductions of his most famous and lesser-known works. In addition, it provides valuable information about where readers can view Van Gogh's work in museums throughout the world. Art lovers will find much to discover in this appealing and accessible overview of one of the world's most compelling figures.

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Autor: Vincent Van Gogh , Colta Feller Ives

Número de Páginas: 394

Presents a collection of the drawings of Vincent Van Gogh, providing images of his works in charcoal, chalk, ink, graphite, and watercolor, and including essays the place each drawing in its historical context, explaining its significance.

Van Gogh

Van Gogh

Autor: Vincent Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 256

Vincent van Gogh’s life and work are so intertwined that it is hardly possible to observe one without thinking of the other. Van Gogh has indeed become the incarnation of the suffering, misunderstood martyr of modern art, the emblem of the artist as an outsider. An article, published in 1890, gave details about van Gogh’s illness. The author of the article saw the painter as “a terrible and demented genius, often sublime, sometimes grotesque, always at the brink of the pathological.” Very little is known about Vincent’s childhood. At the age of eleven he had to leave “the human nest”, as he called it himself, for various boarding schools. The first portrait shows us van Gogh as an earnest nineteen year old. At that time he had already been at work for three years in The Hague and, later, in London in the gallery Goupil & Co. In 1874 his love for Ursula Loyer ended in disaster and a year later he was transferred to Paris, against his will. After a particularly heated argument during Christmas holidays in 1881, his father, a pastor, ordered Vincent to leave. With this final break, he abandoned his family name and signed his canvases simply “Vincent”. He left for...

The Yellow House

The Yellow House

Autor: Martin Gayford

Número de Páginas: 352

This chronicle of the two months in 1888 when Paul Gauguin shared a house in France with Vincent Van Gogh describes not only how these two hallowed artists painted and exchanged ideas, but also the texture of their everyday lives. Includes 60 B&W reproductions of the artists' paintings and drawings from the period.

Van Gogh

Van Gogh

Autor: Gregory White Smith , Steven Naifeh

Número de Páginas: 912

Vincent van Gogh created some of the best loved - and most expensive - works of art ever made, from the early The Potato Eaters to his late masterpieces Sunflowers and The Starry Night. He had worked as an art dealer, a missionary and as a teacher in England, and only in his late twenties did he begin a life that would be fundamental in shaping modern art. But when he died in Auvers-sur-Oise in 1890 at the age of thirty-seven he was largely unknown. Written with the cooperation of the Van Gogh Museum, Pulitzer-winning authors Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith recreate his extraordinary life, and the inside of his troubled mind, like never before - and they put forward an explosive new theory challenging the widespread belief that Van Gogh took his own life. Drawing for the first time on all of his (and his family's) extensive letters, which offer exquisite glimpses into his thoughts and feelings, this is the definitive portrait of one of the world's cultural giants.

Vincent Van Gogh: Arles, February 1888 - Auver-sur-Oise, July 1890

Vincent Van Gogh: Arles, February 1888 - Auver-sur-Oise, July 1890

Autor: Vincent Van Gogh , Ingo F. Walther , Rainer Metzger

Número de Páginas: 448


Número de Páginas: 88

Revista Tpm. Entrevistas e reportagens sobre comportamento, moda, beleza, viagem e decoração para mulheres que querem ir além dos manuais, desafiando os padrões. Imagem não é tudo.

Voando com as minhas asas

Voando com as minhas asas

Autor: Bárbara Ferreira

Número de Páginas: 234

«Muitos jovens estudantes de talento e sensibilidade ficam fascinados ao contactar com a filosofia. Foi o caso da Bárbara. E para partilhar esse fascínio escreveu este livro. O gosto pelo pensamento filosófico e a sensibilidade crítica perpassam estas páginas, assim como uma atitude poética perante uma realidade que só parece banal quando não a olhamos com olhos de ver. Este livro ajuda o leitor a ver para lá da aparente banalidade da realidade. E, ao fazer isso, ajuda-o também a ganhar autonomia para voar com as suas próprias asas.» Desidério Murcho, Filósofo, Professor da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasil «A primeira vez que a Bárbara me impressionou foi num exame de uma disciplina médica. O rigor, a compreensão, a estrutura do raciocínio, estavam ali à vista. E sabia, pelo menos, tanto como eu. Da segunda vez que a encontrei, apresentou-me este livro. Desta vez, fui eu que aprendi. E perguntei-lhe, incrédulo: como é possível uma rapariga de vinte e poucos anos ter chegado até aqui? O certo é que chegou. Chegou ao ponto em que os cientistas raramente chegam: ao questionar das bases do conhecimento, ao pensamento que, para além do rigor,...



Número de Páginas: 104

Desenvolvimento do individuo na sociedade como um profissional sistêmico e integral, a qualificação e a ética nas rotinas do ser humano frente a sociedade do Sex XXI, as características e o perfil de um profissional na contemporaneidade.



Número de Páginas: 80

Revista Trip. Um olhar criativo para a diversidade, em reportagens de comportamento, esportes de prancha, cultura pop, viagens, além dos ensaios de Trip Girl e grandes entrevistas

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Van Gogh

Autor: Bernard Zurcher , Vincent Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 326
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La vie tragique de Vincent van Gogh

Autor: Louis Piérard

Número de Páginas: 205
Personal Recollections of Vincent Van Gogh

Personal Recollections of Vincent Van Gogh

Autor: Elisabeth Duqesne Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 112

Rejected in their day by painters, critics, and collectors, the visions of Vincent Van Gogh now rank among the most beloved and influential works in the history of Western art. The artist sold only a single painting in his lifetime, despite an abundant oeuvre of more than 2,000 artworks. Today his paintings fetch tens of millions at auction, and visitors from around the world flock to Amsterdam's Van Gogh Museum. The artist's life of grinding poverty, his severe mental illness, and the derision of his contemporaries combined to form a romantic ideal of the tortured artist. Twenty-three years after Van Gogh's suicide, in the wake of his slowly growing fame, the painter's sister published this memoir. An intimate view of the artist's life, art, and philosophy, the book is illustrated with reproductions of several of Van Gogh's most characteristic works, including portraits and landscapes.

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Vincent van Gogh, dessinateur

Autor: Vincent Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 72
Vincent Van Gogh: a Poisoned Life

Vincent Van Gogh: a Poisoned Life

Autor: Robert Arthur Cosgrove

Número de Páginas: 409

It is July 1890 as thirty-seven-year old Vincent van Gogh prepares for his last destination. Soon he plans to leave his tormented earthly life and move forward to a more peaceful place. After Vincent dons his usual paint-splattered clothes and leaves several still-wet canvases behind in his cluttered room, he lovingly places his paint box and easel next to a garden wall, where he hopes someone will find them one day. As he revisits sites he has pained, Vincent touches the metal barrel of the borrowed pistol he has tucked secretly into his jacket while reflecting on his episodes of madness, his embarrassing seizures, and his less than ideal relationship with his brother, Theo. Finally while the malnourished and selfcondemned artist climbs a steep road above the rural lands of France to carry out his scheduled plan before nightfall, his destiny waits. Will Vincent have the courage to carry out his final act, and if so, what will be its consequences? In this poignant tale, the imagined last thirty-six hours of the renowned artist play out in fascinating detail as he finally takes control of his tortured existence on Earth.

Van Gogh in Provence and Auvers

Van Gogh in Provence and Auvers

Autor: Bogomila Welsh-ovcharov , Vincent Van Gogh

Número de Páginas: 0

The final years of Van Gogh's life, from 1888 to 1890, were his most prolific. During his 15-month stay in Arles, he created almost 200 canvases. This was followed by 12 months at Saint-Rémy, where he created 142 paintings, and his final 70 days in Auvers, where the last 70 canvases were created. This book celebrates these last 30 months of Van Gogh's life, when he poured out his passion into portraits, landscapes, and still lifes. Reproductions of his paintings, photographs of the people and places he painted, Van Gogh's own descriptions of his work, and a detailed text by Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov combine to create a powerful study of these intense, creative months.

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