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Número total de livros encontrados: 39 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!
Springtime in Carolina

Springtime in Carolina

Autor: Michelle Major

Número de Páginas: 45

Love gets one last chance to bloom in Magnolia! Josie Trumbull has rebuilt her life after her ballet dreams were crushed by a career-ending injury. Now she teaches dance in Magnolia and has mostly made peace with her life and future. Until her best friend, and proprietor of the bookstore next door, Stuart Madison, takes her completely by surprise. Stuart Madison has had a crush on Josie for years. He knows now it won’t go anywhere and it’s probably time for him to move on, even if a few Magnolia residents think he still has a shot. Will Josie realize that she can reach for what she wants before Stuart decides to stop waiting?

Home in Carolina

Home in Carolina

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 0

There's no place like home, especially if it's Serenity, South Carolina. For Annie Sullivan, though, the homecoming is bittersweet. She'd always envisioned a life there with her childhood best friend, Tyler Townsend. But Ty's betrayal has cost her the family and the future they'd once planned. For Ty, losing Annie was heartbreaking. Still, he can't imagine life without the three-year-old son whose mother left him for Ty to raise. Ty wants it all—Annie, his child and the future he'd dreamed about—and he's back home in Serenity to fight for it. But getting Annie to forgive and forget may be the hardest challenge he's ever faced. With the stakes so high, this is one game he can't afford to lose.

The Carolina Heirlooms Collection: The Prayer Box / The Story Keeper / The Sea Keeper's Daughters

The Carolina Heirlooms Collection: The Prayer Box / The Story Keeper / The Sea Keeper's Daughters

Autor: Lisa Wingate

Número de Páginas: 1153

From the #1 New York Times author of Before We Were Yours! This collection bundles 3 of Lisa Wingate’s contemporary/historical Carolina Heirlooms series together in one e-book, for a great value! The Prayer Box When Iola Anne Poole, an old-timer on Hatteras Island, passes away in her bed at ninety-one, the struggling young mother in her rental cottage, Tandi Jo Reese, finds herself charged with the task of cleaning out Iola’s rambling Victorian house. Running from a messy, dangerous past, Tandi never expects to find more than a temporary hiding place within Iola’s walls, but everything changes with the discovery of eighty-one carefully decorated prayer boxes, one for each year, spanning from Iola’s youth to her last days. Hidden in the boxes is the story of a lifetime, written on random bits of paper—the hopes and wishes, fears and thoughts of an unassuming but complex woman passing through the seasons of an extraordinary, unsung life filled with journeys of faith, observations on love, and one final lesson that could change everything for Tandi. The Story Keeper (2015 Christy Award winner! 2015 Carol award winner!) When successful New York editor Jen Gibbs discovers a...

Hearts of Carolina

Hearts of Carolina

Autor: Laverne St George , Maggie Preston , Donna Steele

Número de Páginas: 524

From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Outer Banks, a diverse variety of captivating romance novellas await you in this charity anthology brought to you by Heart of Carolina Romance Writers. Samantha Covington's Someone Like Her can conjure anything, except love. Love may require breaking someone's heart. Even your own in Just Ducky by Laverne St. George When you trust the enemy, at least you know where you stand in Two if by Sea by Maggie Preston. Worlds collide in Brown Mountain Lights by Donna Steele. The last thing he expected was what he needed the most in Linda Tiffin's Unwrapped with Love. One grumpy actor in need of rescue plus one overly prepared hiker equals one hike to love in Grinding Corn by Laurel McMacken Ten years, three months, and one week...The Girl Next Door is all grown up by Laura Browning. A bad-ass outlaw biker falls for a woman he can't have in Mirror Image by B. L. Harris.

In My Sister's Country

In My Sister's Country

Autor: Lise Haines

Número de Páginas: 304

Unable to forgive her sister, Amanda, for her unmerciful manipulations or for the role she once played in their father's mentally damaging games, Molly finds herself powerfully attracted to Amanda's lover, and uses her own skills of manipulation, deceit, and betrayal to steal him away from her sister, which ultimately forces her to confront her own loneliness. A first novel. Reprint.

Unwrap My Heart

Unwrap My Heart

Autor: Victoria Anders

Número de Páginas: 294

Her life was hard... ...abuse was all she knew. Can she find the love she needs to heal? Brayleigh has had a hard life. With her father in jail and her mother prone to violence, it's all she can do to survive. Still, she's a young woman with strength. There is hope, though. She's just met someone. The chemistry is instantly clear. There's just one problem...she's dating his best friend. As her last days of foster care rapidly approach, Brayleigh must make some hard decisions. She's got a secret and it will change her life. Who will she turn to? You'll love this heart-wrenching romance, because the best things don't come easily, and Brayleigh is someone you'll adore.

Heavy Weather

Heavy Weather

Autor: Normandie Fischer

Número de Páginas: 407

"Annie Mac's estranged husband vows that nothing will stop him from getting his baby girl. Not Annie Mac and certainly not that boy of hers..."--Page 4 of cover.

Not Letting Go

Not Letting Go

Autor: R. B. Hilliard

Número de Páginas: 324

Piper O'Connell's life is crumbling down around her. Broken and betrayed by the man she loves, she flees to the safety of North Carolina and the only people she can trust. When the man who hurt her comes knocking at her door, she is forced to face the fact that maybe she had it all wrong. Gage Blackwell wants to know why the girl of his dreams walked away. Searching for the truth, he follows her to North Carolina where, instead of receiving the answers he so desperately seeks, he is drawn into an intricate web of secrets and lies. Will the truth bring Piper and Gage back together or will it destroy them and the ones they love, once and for all...

Sin imagen

She Never Blamed Him, Never

Autor: Thomas Haynes Bayly , Henry J. Wehman

Número de Páginas: 1
The Reforming of Matthew Dunn

The Reforming of Matthew Dunn

Autor: Virginia Kantra

Número de Páginas: 260

The Reforming Of Matthew Dunn by Virginia Kantra released on Sep 24, 1998 is available now for purchase.



Autor: Carolyn Haines

Número de Páginas: 382

Riding instructor Connor Tremaine returns to her home ground in Mobile, Alabama and ends up married to Clay Sumner, a charismatic politician. On the surface, this is an ideal life, but Connor discovers that things are not as they appear in Clay's world. Not with this home or his children, and she begins to fear that he may not be telling all he knows about his first wife's death.

Les disparus de Timberline - Intégrale 4 tomes

Les disparus de Timberline - Intégrale 4 tomes

Autor: Carol Ericson

Número de Páginas: 928

Découvrez l'intégrale de la série Les disparus de Timberline : Où sont les enfants de Timberline ? Vingt-cinq ans après leur disparition, le mystère reste entier... La trace du passé - Tome 1/4 Le ruban rose est posé, bien en évidence, au fond du tiroir vide... Bouleversée, Kendall retient un cri de terreur. Car ce ruban, c’est celui que portait sa sœur jumelle quand elle a été enlevée, vingt-cinq ans plus tôt, dans la vieille maison dont Kendall a hérité et qu’elle est en train de vider. Luttant contre ses souvenirs, elle poursuit sa tâche et fait bientôt d’autres découvertes : croix de bois plantées dans le jardin, poupée cachée dans le coffre de sa voiture... Partagée entre horreur et exaspération, elle confie son désarroi à Cooper Sloane, le shérif de la ville, un homme aussi séduisant que solitaire, qui lui révèle alors que deux autres enfants viennent d’être enlevés... L'ombre de la vérité - Tome 2/4 Partagé entre surprise et méfiance, Duke dévisage Beth et s’interroge. Par quel curieux hasard son ex-compagne se trouve-t-elle à Timberline, où lui-même enquête pour le FBI ? Et quelle vraie raison l’a poussée dans cette...

Retour à Clay Creek

Retour à Clay Creek

Autor: Carla Cassidy

Número de Páginas: 160

Lorsqu'elle apprend que sa mère est morte, Sarah est sous le choc. Car, la veille encore, elle lui a parlé, et celle-ci était en parfaite santé... Résolue à découvrir ce qui lui est réellement arrivé, Sarah décide de retourner à Clay Creek, la ville de son enfance, qu'elle a quittée quelques années plus tôt. Mais, une fois sur place, elle reçoit des menaces et le chien de sa sœur est empoisonné... Persuadée désormais que quelqu'un en veut à sa famille, elle comprend qu'elle n'a plus le choix : elle doit faire appel à Reese Walker, le shérif de la ville. Reese, qu'elle a passionnément aimé six ans plus tôt avant de le quitter sans un mot d'explication, et qui ignore toujours qu'il est le père d'une petite fille de cinq ans...

Un bébé chez les Elliott - La passion dévoilée (Harlequin Passions)

Un bébé chez les Elliott - La passion dévoilée (Harlequin Passions)

Autor: Kathie Denosky , Maureen Child

Número de Páginas: 480

Un bébé chez les Elliott, Kathie DeNosky Quand elle découvre qu'elle est enceinte de Travis, le père adoptif de sa fille biologique, Finola Elliott se sent déchirée. Pour elle, que le patriarche du clan Elliott a forcée autrefois à abandonner son enfant, ce bébé est un véritable cadeau du Ciel. Pourtant, malgré la passion qui l'unit à Travis, que peut-elle attendre de cet homme qui vit à l'autre bout du pays, à mille lieues de l'agitation new-yorkaise et du milieu glamour dont elle a fait toute sa vie ? La passion dévoilée, Maureen Child Une nuit. Une seule nuit. Rachel sait bien que la nuit de passion qu'elle vient de vivre dans les bras de son patron, Shane Elliott, ne se reproduira pas. Car s'il est venu chez elle, une bouteille de champagne à la main et le regard brûlant de désir, ce n'était que pour fêter sa promotion au poste de P.-D.G. du groupe Elliott. Comment cet homme qu'elle aime en secret depuis des mois pourrait-il lui offrir autre chose qu'une seule nuit de plaisir, alors qu'il n'a jamais vu en elle qu'une précieuse assistante ? Aussi décide-t-elle, le cœur brisé, de lui remettre sa démission...



Autor: Cyndi Raye

Número de Páginas: 0

Carolina Birmingham was a caregiver for her ill father, but upon his death she applies for the job to become a Pinkerton agent after seeing an advertisement in the paper. She has always dreamed of being one and now she has her chance. Ned Lewis doesn't think much about training a woman agent. He doesn't even mind the marriage part as long as the female agent is able to pull her weight. When the circus comes to town, the two have to find an assassin who is using the circus as a cover for murder. With Ned's efficient skills at finding a needle in a haystack and Carolina's many disguises, will they find out who the assassin is in time to save the infamous Priscilla Marlowe from an assassin's bullet? As they say, The show must go on, but who will pull the final curtain - the assassin or the Pinketons?

Une mère à l'épreuve - La mémoire envolée

Une mère à l'épreuve - La mémoire envolée

Autor: Rita Herron , Cassie Miles

Número de Páginas: 448

Une mère à l’épreuve, Rita Herron Maman, au secours ! Viens me chercher !En entendant son fils sangloter au téléphone, Serena est submergée par la panique. D’autant que, tout de suite, la communication est coupée. Où est son Petey ? Qui est l’ordure qui l’a enlevé, son petit garçon de six ans ? Pourquoi ne lui réclame-t-on même pas de rançon ? Si on fait le moindre mal à Petey, elle ne s’en remettra jamais... Dans ce brouillard d’angoisse et de larmes, une seule lueur d’espoir : Colt Mason, le détective privé chargé de l’enquête. Il a juré de retrouver Petey et, sans qu’elle sache vraiment pourquoi, il a réussi à la convaincre de le croire... La mémoire envolée, Cassie Miles Qui est vraiment Jack ? Dès l’instant où elle a engagé cet homme ténébreux, Caitlyn s’est sentie hantée par cette question. Bien sûr, Jack est charmant et elle adore son regard vert si troublant –, mais il est aussi énigmatique. Ses réactions sont celles d’un homme... sur le qui-vive. Caitlyn comprend que son intuition lui a soufflé la vérité lorsqu’il lui révèle son secret : il a l’impression d’être poursuivi — mais par qui, et pourquoi ? ...

Un bébé avec lui - Un insupportable milliardaire - Le retour de Chance Masters

Un bébé avec lui - Un insupportable milliardaire - Le retour de Chance Masters

Autor: Maureen Child , Kat Cantrell , Lauren Canan

Número de Páginas: 448

Un bébé avec lui, Maureen Child Quand elle apprend que l’hôtel dans lequel elle travaille a été racheté par Brady Finn, Aine se fait une promesse : jamais elle ne laissera cet homme balayer les traditions de l’établissement. Mais, à son grand désarroi, elle se laisse séduire par son rival – le temps d’une nuit – et découvre bientôt qu’elle attend un enfant de lui... Un insupportable milliardaire, Kat Cantrell Comment Reid ose-t-il lui claquer la porte au nez ? Nora en reste sans voix. Certes, elle vient de lui apprendre qu’elle est la mère d’un garçon de deux ans, mais est-ce une raison pour qu’il se comporte comme le pire des goujats alors qu’ils ont passé la nuit ensemble ? Ne lui a-t-il pas dit qu’il l’aimait ? Le retour de Chance Masters, Lauren Canan Chance Masters est de retour en ville... et va travailler avec elle au ranch ! Holly est sous le choc. Car cet homme – dont elle n’a plus eu la moindre nouvelle depuis douze ans – est le seul qu’elle ait jamais vraiment aimé. Pourtant, hors de question de se laisser attendrir. Holly ne tombera plus jamais amoureuse, elle s’en est fait le serment...

Une mariée à protéger - L'échappée du désespoir

Une mariée à protéger - L'échappée du désespoir

Autor: Carol Ericson , Nicole Helm

Número de Páginas: 367

Une mariée à protéger, Carol Ericson Enquêter, protéger, c’est le devoir des policiers qui surveillent la frontière du Mexique... Dans un tourbillon de tulle blanc, la femme sort de la voiture, et Clay la reconnaît aussitôt. April Hart ! Que fait-elle ici ? Et en robe de mariée qui plus est... Mais bientôt il comprend tout : ayant découvert que son fiancé était un patron de la drogue, April s’est enfuie juste avant son mariage. Et c’est chez Clay qu’elle est venue trouver refuge. Clay, qui depuis toujours la protège. Et qui n’a jamais cessé de l’aimer... L’échappée du désespoir, Nicole Helm Alors qu’elle fait sa ronde dans le parc national où elle est ranger, Felicity découvre le corps d’une femme assassinée. À son grand désarroi, c’est elle que les autorités locales accusent du meurtre. Seul Gage Wyatt, policier farouche et déterminé, la croit innocente. Pour l’aider à retrouver le meurtrier, il l’entraîne alors dans une folle cavale, bravant le danger et les éléments déchaînés...

Save Your Heart for Me

Save Your Heart for Me

Autor: Caroline Clemmons

Número de Páginas: 108

"After fleeing an abusive husband six years ago, Beth Jeffers wants nothing more than to protect her son Davey and to help her mother operate a Texas Hill Country boarding house. The strong women in her family have had no luck with men, and she has no intention of letting any man influence her son. Not even Matt Petrov, no matter how much her lonely heart urges her otherwise."-- cover.

Seconde chance pour Savannah

Seconde chance pour Savannah

Autor: Kristi Gold

Número de Páginas: 320

Le parfum entêtant des magnolias en fleurs, la moiteur étouffante du delta... En revenant à Placid, Mississippi, après douze ans d’absence, Savannah est submergée par l’émotion. Pourtant, elle a totalement changé de vie depuis son départ. Avocate à Chicago, elle n’est plus la jeune fille d’autrefois, blessée par la froideur de sa mère et, surtout, la trahison de Sam, son amoureux de l’époque. L’a-t-il oubliée ? Elle, elle n’a jamais réussi... Alors, aujourd’hui, dans le secret des nuits chaudes du Sud, l’heure d’une seconde chance est peut-être venue pour eux...

Souvenirs secrets (Harlequin Prélud')

Souvenirs secrets (Harlequin Prélud')

Autor: Pamela Bauer

Número de Páginas: 352

Souvenirs secrets, Pamela Bauer Sa vie est-elle en train de basculer ? Va-t-elle enfin retrouver sa place auprès de son mari et de sa petite fille ? Après l'accident, qu'elle ne se rappelle pas, qui lui a volé tous ses souvenirs — et jusqu'à son vrai nom —, Faith a cru ne jamais s'en sortir. Mais elle a réussi à trouver dans le travail et l'aide aux autres la force dont elle avait besoin pour survivre. Ainsi s'occupe-t-elle, à l'hôpital, des bébés et des enfants malades, auxquels elle sait, mieux que quiconque, apporter de l'amour et du réconfort... Cependant, cet équilibre chèrement acquis chancelle le jour où Adam Novak, un homme très séduisant, et sa frêle petite fille, Megan, arrivent dans le service de Faith. Tout de suite troublée par le charme d'Adam, Faith vacille quand l'homme et l'enfant lui avouent leur émotion : jusque-là convaincus que la mère de Megan avait définitivement disparu dans les remous d'un torrent, ils sont saisis par la ressemblance frappante entre Faith et la jeune femme. Megan, surtout, est certaine d'avoir retrouvé sa maman. Mais comment oser croire en l'impossible... ?



Autor: Sara Mullins

Número de Páginas: 176

Haunted by her past, Nicole Turner moves back home to Carolina, Indiana after graduating college. She starts a new job and makes new friends, but her life still seems to be going nowhere. When Nicole meets Mark - the handsome, charming mechanic that works across the street - she finally begins to feel alive again. But Nicole and Mark are only at the beginning of their relationship when her ex-boyfriend, Josh, comes back into her life. The young couple's relationship is put to the test when Josh decides he isn't ready to let her go, and Mark must face Josh to save her life - and their love. This is the trade paperback edition of Carolina, with a 5" x 8" trim size.



Autor: Sara Mullins

Número de Páginas: 176

Haunted by her past, Nicole Turner moves back home to Carolina, Indiana after graduating college. She starts a new job and makes new friends, but her life still seems to be going nowhere. When Nicole meets Mark - the handsome, charming mechanic that works across the street - she finally begins to feel alive again. But Nicole and Mark are only at the beginning of their relationship when her ex-boyfriend, Josh, comes back into her life. The young couple's relationship is put to the test when Josh decides he isn't ready to let her go, and Mark must face Josh to save her life - and their love.

Unconditional Vows

Unconditional Vows

Autor: Melody Grace

Número de Páginas: 368

"I’ve spent my whole life chasing perfection: perfect looks, perfect man, perfect home. But in one moment, I realized it was all just a beautiful lie…" Welcome to the North Carolina shore… Get swept away by the passionate, emotional romance series that has sold over 2 million copies worldwide! This special boxset contains two books in the USA Today bestselling series: In UNWRAPPED, an unlikely couple gets snowed in on the way to the wedding, and a flirty game of truth-or-dare sends temperatures soaring. But when the snow melts, will their night together be more than just a memory? In the heartfelt novel, UNCONDITIONAL, Carina McKenzie is fleeing from her past. Picking up the wreckage of her shattered dreams, she seeks comfort in the only place she’s ever felt safe: Beachwood Bay. Garrett Sawyer isn’t looking to be anyone’s savior. Scarred by old betrayals, he’s sworn never to put his heart on the line again -- especially not for a damaged, high-maintenance girl like Carina. But passion knows no logic, and soon, their reckless chemistry is making him forget his bitter vows. Two damaged hearts. The hope of true love. As their passion blazes out of control, Carina and...

Sin imagen

Babe in the Woods

Autor: Caroline Burnes

Número de Páginas: 248

Rebecca Barrett had come to Mississippi to oversee the excavation of priceless artifacts at Blackthorn. But it was the search for a heard-but-never-seen baby that became the focus of her days. However, the harder Rebecca looked for answers, the more the danger increased, and she knew it was time to call in the enigmatic sheriff, Dru Colson ... This wasn't the first time Dru had been called to the infamous property to investigate. But now sinister forces were determined to get Rebecca off the land and out of the state. Could Dru protect the only woman who'd ever touched his soul before the battle between good and evil came to a devastating end?

Carolina Girls

Carolina Girls

Autor: Dorothea Benton Frank

Número de Páginas: 400

'Poignant' Liane Moriarty 'A great storyteller' Adriana Trigiani Lisa St Clair knows a thing or two about weathering storms. A dedicated nurse with a great sense of humour, she single-handedly raised her daughter Marianne after her ex walked out twenty-four years ago, sending only a lottery ticket once a year as support. Then he reappeared and persuaded their daughter to support his business venture. Now mother and daughter aren't speaking. So when Kathy Harper, Lisa's favourite patient, loses her battle with cancer, Lisa finds herself drawn to Carrie and Suzanne, the devoted friends who were always by Kathy's side. They talk about family, and share problems but somehow their conversations always return to the enigma of Kathy. Did they really know her at all? Gradually, as they uncover the truth about Kathy's life and unfurl plans to secure their own futures, fate steps in to show them that being single doesn't mean you are alone and that friendship is as powerful as the turning tide of the beach they walk together.

Under the Southern Sky

Under the Southern Sky

Autor: Kristy Woodson Harvey

Número de Páginas: 464

This instant New York Times bestseller—that’s “perfect for fans of beach reads, P.S. I Love You, and anything by authors Jennifer Weiner and Elin Hilderbrand” (Country Living)— follows two childhood friends who discover that love and family can be found in unconventional ways. Recently separated Amelia Saxton, a dedicated journalist, never expected that uncovering the biggest story of her career would become deeply personal. But when she discovers that a cluster of embryos belonging to her childhood friend Parker and his late wife Greer have been deemed “abandoned,” she’s put in the unenviable position of telling Parker—and dredging up old wounds in the process. Parker has been unable to move forward since the loss of his beloved wife three years ago. He has all but forgotten about the frozen embryos, but once Amelia reveals her discovery, he knows that if he ever wants to get a part of Greer back, he’ll need to accept his fate as a single father and find a surrogate. Each dealing with their own private griefs, Parker and Amelia slowly begin to find solace in one another as they navigate an uncertain future against the backdrop of the pristine waters of their...

Plain Jane's Secret Life

Plain Jane's Secret Life

Autor: Cathy Gillen Thacker

Número de Páginas: 224

Once upon a time, the town of Holly Springs had its very own tomboy…and a darn fine mechanic to boot. Most people are so used to Hannah Reid's greasy overalls and backward ball cap that they think of their pretty whiz mechanic as “just one of the guys.” But all of that will change when Hannah goes on a secret mission—one that requires a couple of sinfully short skirts and way more attention than she anticipated.… For sportscaster Dylan Hart, Hannah Reid is just another part of the Holly Springs clan. They've always been pals. That is, until he glimpses the feisty “plain Jane's” hidden feminine side. Now Dylan can't get her out of his head. But when he overhears a suspicious conversation, Dylan decides someone needs to keep an eye on Hannah…and he's just the guy to do it!

The Secret to Southern Charm

The Secret to Southern Charm

Autor: Kristy Woodson Harvey

Número de Páginas: 432

Set in the charming town of Peachtree Bluff, “a compelling, beautifully drawn tale of love, hope, and small-town secrets” (Mary Alice Monroe, New York Times bestselling author) following a trio of sisters and their mother as they discover a truth that will change not only the way they see themselves but also how they fit together as a family. Sloane’s world crumbles after receiving the news that her military husband is missing in action. She can barely climb out of bed, much less summon the strength to be the parent her children deserve. Her mother, Ansley, provides a much-needed respite as she puts her personal life on hold to help Sloane and her grandchildren wade through their new grief-stricken lives. But between caring for her own aging mother, her daughters, and her grandchildren, Ansley’s private worry is that secrets from her past will come to light. But when Sloane’s sisters, Caroline and Emerson, remind Sloane that no matter what, she promised her husband she would carry on for their young sons, Sloane finds the support and courage she needs to chase her biggest dreams—and face her deepest fears. Taking a cue from her middle daughter, Ansley takes her own...

Beneath The Willow Tree

Beneath The Willow Tree

Autor: Rachel Hanna

Número de Páginas: 156

In book 8 of the USA Today bestselling South Carolina Sunsets series, somebody comes back to Seagrove for the first time in many years. Plus, catch up with your favorite characters including Julie, Dawson, Dixie and more!

The Art of Mending

The Art of Mending

Autor: Elizabeth Berg

Número de Páginas: 251

Is it too late to make up for the past? Laura Bartone looks forward to her annual family reunion with a mixture of excitement and wariness. Every year, she and her siblings return to their parents' home outside Minneapolis to attend the state fair. This year, things are different. As soon as she arrives, Laura realizes that something is not right with her sister Caroline. On their first evening together, Caroline confronts Laura and their brother Steve with devastating allegations about their mother. Taken aback and incredulous, the siblings are unable to reconcile their perception of their childhood. A sudden tragedy forces them to face the past, their own culpability and their need for love and forgiveness.

Her Secret, His Duty

Her Secret, His Duty

Autor: Carla Cassidy

Número de Páginas: 288

New York Times bestselling author Carla Cassidy writes about a scandal—and a passion—that could be front-page news… When Debra Prentice discovers she's pregnant, she knows two things are true: that she can't wait to become a mother…and that she can never reveal the father's identity to anyone. Because not only is Trey Winston her boss's son, he's also got his eye on the North Carolina senator's seat—and he doesn't need a scandal. But when Debra must work with Trey in organizing his fund-raising dinner, the sparks from their one night of passion still sizzle. Trey knows he should stay away from Debra, but it soon becomes impossible. And as Debra's life is threatened, Trey promises to keep her—and, unknowingly, the baby she carries—safe.

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