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Número total de livros encontrados: 40 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!

Magie d'Orient

Autor: Kim Lawrence , Jackie Braun , Jennifer Lewis

Número de Páginas: 448

La promise du sultan, Kim Lawrence A la mort de sa mère, Eva apprend avec stupeur qu’elle est liée à la famille princière des Azharim, et qu’on veut lui faire épouser un homme qu’elle n’a jamais vu, le cheikh Karim Al-Nasr ! Impossible d’accepter une telle union de convenance, songe aussitôt Eva, effarée. Mais ne lui est-il pas tout autant impossible de renoncer à cette famille qu’elle vient de se découvrir, alors qu’elle a toujours souffert d’être une enfant unique ? Dans les bras d’un cheikh, Jackie Braun Traiteur de talent, Emily s’est bâti une solide réputation auprès de la riche clientèle de Manhattan. Aujourd’hui, elle a un nouveau défi à relever : organiser un dîner pour le compte du plus bel homme qu’elle ait jamais rencontré. Un homme au regard énigmatique et brûlant, dont elle ignore encore qu’il s’agit du cheikh Madani Abdul Tarim... L’enfant du désert, Jennifer Lewis C’est avec la ferme intention de se montrer le plus froide possible avec le cheikh Salim Al-Mansour que Celia a accepté de travailler pour lui. Car elle ne lui a jamais pardonné la manière brutale dont il l’a quittée quelques années plus tôt et,...

La promesse du désert

Autor: A.s Syla

Número de Páginas: 305

- Etes-vous muette ? Devant cette question, Tara se mit à trembler. Depuis ce soir d'été où sa vie a basculé, Tara tente de survivre chaque jour sans le moindre espoir en perspective. Mais alors qu'elle séjourne au Khazban avec le personnel de sa clinique spécialisée pour un programme de réinsertion, elle doit faire face à l'une de ses pires craintes. Se retrouver en présence d'un homme. Un homme au regard dangereusement inquiétant. Au bord de la panique, elle décide donc de faire face à cet homme ombrageux qui l'observe depuis son fauteuil. Mais à peine eut-elle relevé les yeux qu'elle le regrette quand cet inconnu lui fait comprendre d'un simple regard, que cette rencontre ne sera pas la dernière.

La communauté

Autor: Litaïs Hel

Número de Páginas: 170

Jâson est un homme abîmé par la vie qui se donne corps et âme pour soutenir sa famille. Travaillant avec acharnement, il cumule deux emplois pour subvenir à ses besoins et ceux de ses frères. Sa rencontre avec une jeune femme issue de la communauté Tzigane, profondément ancrée dans ses croyances, ses valeurs et ses coutumes, bouleversera son existence. Leur relation engendrera la haine et le chaos dans leur entourage. Cet amour triomphera-t-il contre vents et marées ? À PROPOS DE L'AUTEURE Litaïs Hel écrit pour traduire ses pensées, ses angoisses et ses réflexions. Pour elle, l’écriture représente une forme de thérapie, lorsqu’on a du mal à se confier, à dire des choses. Avec La communauté - Valkyrie, elle emmène les lecteurs à s’interroger sur divers sujets.

La Redoutable Zoe Mezzo, Eperdue Devant La Defaite Et Lamour

Autor: Johanne Landers

Número de Páginas: 136

Zoe l'avocate la plus redoutee de Vancouver. Elle prend beaucoup trop de risques. Un jour elle fera une maladresse. Ses freres apprennent son erreur, ils feront tout pour la sortir de ce petrin. Son frere Zack, le jumeau de Zoe, engage Ted son ami qui est detective prive. Zoe doit etre protegee a tout prix. Elle s'apercoit qu'elle ne sait plus si c'est la mafia qui est plus dangereuse ou le beau Ted. Zoe pense ne pas pouvoir vivre en ayant celui-ci colle a la peau vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre. Ses freres ne lui donnaient aucun choix, il lui etait impose. Zoe apprendra a le connaitre et tombera sous son charme. Lui aussi est facilement charme par la belle Zoe, mais il ne veut pas melanger amour et boulot pour bien faire son travail. Zoe sera sauvee de l'emprise de la mafia, mais pas de celle de Ted. Zoe ne pourra laisser son prince charmant partir, elle veut savoir s'il a les memes sentiments qu'elle.

Hints From Paris (Hebrew version)

Autor: Gitty Gold

Número de Páginas: 299

Rachel and Reuben Rabinovitch live in Haifa, all their kids are marriage and while he is busy most of the day, she finds herself bored. She doesn't have friends and employment, and trying to find herself since her role as mother and housewife decreased significantly but on the other and,he still feels young in spirit and able to contribute to society. The story spans four generations and family shows an unusual complication, the story take place in Israel, Lucerne in Switzerland, Paris and Italy. families migrated to America during the Holocaust, some assimilated, some returned and some entangled tell the story while weaving known historical events. Rachel debating all along and tries to explain herself and readers what is judgmental, why is it so suffers when her mother judge her and disapproving way of life it for herself, as she puts herself on the judge her on children, their lifestyle, their situation, their relationship and relationships in their families. Eventually she herself reveals how what she see there is not what they seem, and how that invalidates calling the kettle black. It Rachel cried throughout the book against the judgment actually reveals to her children that ...

Aqsa Amore, ... Im Nin'alu

Autor: Mahdia Kohen

Número de Páginas: 237

Comment suis-je passée de l'amour fou d'un homme artiste peintre d'origine juive à l'amour extrême de l'Aqsa Mosquee puis à l'amour complet de Dieu aux 99 noms dont la justice, la paix et l'élévation ?Comment suis-je devenue Mahdia par la force des choses et comment je me suis approprié le nom de famille Kohen par ancienneté et par besoin ?Aqsa amore, ... Im Nin'Alu est un mélange d'arabe, de latin et d'hébreu.Islam, christianisme, judaïsme !Cela se traduit par la phrase:Amour extrême, si les portes sont fermées ! L'amour est la clé de tout ! L'amour est la clé de la paix. Un amour extrême.

Hope or Fight

Autor: Léana Soal

Número de Páginas: 422

Mendy, impétueuse, battante et obstinée, a quitté ses études de photographie artistique pour travailler au refuge de son frère Logan, sauvant des pitbulls issus de combats clandestins et abritant un programme de réinsertion d'anciens détenus. Dans ce milieu radicalement opposé à celui dans lequel elle a grandi, et au grand désespoir de son père, Mendy se sent enfin devenir adulte. Enfin, sauf lorsqu'elle cède à son aversion de l'injustice, quitte à prendre des risques inconsidérés. Lewis Hempton sort tout juste de prison. Grand, imposant, énigmatique... Une force de la nature, indéchiffrable et solitaire. Il intègre le programme de réinsertion pénitentiaire de Green Bay, sa dernière chance vu son passé tumultueux et la réputation que ses nombreux séjours à l'isolement lui ont forgé. Ancien soldat du gang des Street Masters, Lewis devra faire ses preuves et lutter contre ce qu'on a fait de lui pour gagner la confiance de Logan, et surtout sa liberté définitive. S'il est aguerri aux provocations d'hommes de sa trempe, aux combats de rue, voire même à la lutte à mort, en sera-t-il de même face à un petit bout de femme aussi horripilant que Mendy...

Beyond The Words - Tome 2

Autor: Johanna Swann

Número de Páginas: 95

« Il y a quelqu’un ? » Sa rencontre avec Lui va tout changer. Une rencontre impossible à oublier, et qui va le marquer à tout jamais... Qui est cet inconnu qui semble si bien le connaître ? La clé pour changer le passé ?

Souvenirs Intimes

Autor: Anna Zaires , Dima Zales

Número de Páginas: 444

Une conclusion sensationnelle pour le best-seller des Krinars Un ennemi impitoyable frappe Mia et Korum qui sont confrontes au plus grand defi que leur liaison ait du surmonter jusque-la. Mais c'est le secret que Korum a lui-meme garde qui risque de les separer pour toujours. Avec pour toile de fond les plages du Costa Rica et une planete situee dans une lointaine galaxie, une histoire d'amour qui pourrait changer l'avenir de l'univers.


Autor: Tahir Shah

Número de Páginas: 284

On the morning of her fifth birthday, Miki Suzuki's aged grandfather gave her an unusual gift - the fragment of a story. The tale told of a magical realm where all the women were beautiful, dressed in the finest gowns, and where the men had the looks of movie stars. The trees were covered in ivory-white blossom all year round, and everyone was joyful and proud. This place, young Miki learned, was a city in far off Europe - a city called Paris.The story took seed in Miki's mind and, over twenty years, she became quite obsessed with the French capital. Having studied its history, language, and traditions, she vowed that one day she would venture there.Winning a competition at her work, where she sold low-grade beauty products door-to-door, Miki embarked on the journey of a lifetime to her dream destination.Feverishly excited, and exhausted after a long flight, she hit the ground running, in her desperation to see every last tourist sight in town. But, as the others in the tour group looked on in horror, the telltale signs of a rare condition began to manifest themselves - a condition known as 'Paris Syndrome'.Made crazed by a stream of unfavourable events, Miki went on a riotous...


Autor: Eli Amir

Número de Páginas: 366

"I'm an Arab Jew. I listen to classical music in the morning and Arabic music in the evening." Surprisingly for someone so young, Nuri Imari (whose family we encountered in The Dove Flyer), is appointed advisor on Arab affairs to the Israeli government. With little guidance he is asked by his boss to "set up an office in East Jerusalem, sniff around to see what's happening there, meet their effendis, and provide me with your evaluations." Everyone is reeling from the aftermath of the Six Day War. The Palestinians cannot comprehend their losses, whilst the Israelis are waking up to a new political reality - and new responsibilities. Nuri discovers complexities and loyalties he could never have imagined. He tries to steer a humane course but soon finds himself confronting bigotry and hatred on both sides. And then he meets Yasmine, a Palestinian woman recently returned from Paris...


Autor: Ruwaida Abd

Número de Páginas: 344

Ishtar, who was an Iraqi girl, worked in a bar and there she met William, with whom she falls in love. He was an American, amazing and faithful man. They loved each other and their relati onship conti nued very strong. Even though Ishtar was a virgin and naive girl and William was an expert man and has many previous relati onships that did not hinder any one of them. They accepted diff erences of each other including languages, traditi ons, and life style. They always overcome the troubles and reconcile when they had a break up. To prove his love to her and also to ensure her heart William proposed to Ishtar in very romanti c and diff erent way in her birthday but life did not conti nue as they want and as they planned for it. On Tuesday, September 11, 2001 while William was inside one of the towers visiti ng his best friend the att ack on the towers happened ..

In the Belly of the Queen

Autor: Karosh Taha

Número de Páginas: 214

Amal shocks the whole neighbourhood by beating up her classmate Younes. Her father defends her behaviour and encourages her to assert herself. From then on everyone avoids Amal – and then her father leaves. Searching in vain for an explanation, Amal finds unexpected refuge with Younes and his mother Shahira, both outsiders like her. Years later, when the situation comes to a head and the conflict with Raffiq's gang escalates, Amal flees to Kurdistan to look for her father. Raffiq's friend Younes is the reluctant centre of attention in their neighbourhood – thanks to his free-spirited mother Shahira, who breaks all the rules. Raffiq thinks about Shahira all the time, at once fascinated and repulsed by her. Unable to bear the situation any longer, Younes plans to leave. When Raffiq's girlfriend Amal also wants to move away, Raffiq's world begins to break apart. He attempts to sabotage their plans. The question is: what does Raffiq actually want to do with his life? In her kaleidoscopic novel, Karosh Taha expands our ideas of class, race and gender as she loops two stories around an invisible lynchpin: a woman who defies all expectations, a blank canvas for projections from all...

The Turban Jewel

Autor: Sophie Judah

Número de Páginas: 308

Fate plays strange tricks upon a young family in pre- and post-independent India. Family ties begin to feel the strain when the father is sent to prison for being a freedom fighter in a party that uses violence as a means. When he is finally released and returns to his family, he is a changed man. This story highlights how ordinary people react to change and how they cope. Tradition, friends, and community all play a part in the choices that are made.

Custom Broken for Good

Autor: Mohammed Awal

Número de Páginas: 118

This novel lays bare the customs and conditions most young girls face in traditional African society south of the Sahara, while in transition from adolescence to womanhood. The priority of parents is for marriage, which produces pressure on both mother and daughter. In this story, Amina, the mother of Sadia, faces the odds of traditional settings to meet the expected standard in marriage. Dankantata is the rebellious suitor to Sadia, and against wisdom and logic, is a hard-core traditionalist. He will not bow down for a minute against his ego, even when it is in his own self-interest to comply with the wishes of his fiancee. The situation eventually leads him to court, with the ensuing case exposing the existing traditions represented by the Imams, clerics, and priests, as well as the cultural norms and state laws. The debate is well crafted and so interesting that it draws in readers with its depiction of marriage in another culture.

King Solomon’s Troubles

Autor: Zoe Senesh

Número de Páginas: 242

This is the revised edition of a fiction book about ancient and modern Israel. King Solomon, of biblical fame, built the first temple in Jerusalem. Historical accounts say that he was extraordinarily wealthy and wise, that he had the ability to seduce any woman he wanted, and that he had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. He had it allso why did he always yearn for more? Rachel is a twenty-first-century enigma. A sex therapist with her own dark secrets, she spends her life helping others with their relationships. But her professional expertise hasn't magically healed her of her own pain and obsessions. The pursuit of happiness is just as challenging for her as it is for her clients. What's missing? Sarah is an American transplant to Israel whose confusion about men gets in the way of her desire to marry one; Fatima, a feminist Muslim who feels trapped in Jerusalem, knows she can have more; and Galit, a free-spirited Israeli woman, enjoys the company of mena little too much. These women are determined to live their lives as they wish to, by reaching for new ways to live in spite of tradition and the protests of their families. In an act of literary time travel,...

Track Changes

Autor: Sayed Kashua

Número de Páginas: 190

An Arab Israeli man, back in Jerusalem to see his estranged father, narrates “a novel about just how sad, fractured and tricky cultural identity can get” (Seattle Times). Having emigrated to America years before, a nameless memoirist now residing in Illinois receives word that his estranged father, whom he has not spoken to in fourteen years, is dying. Leaving his wife and their three children, he returns to Jerusalem and to his hometown of Tira in Palestine to be by his family’s side. But few are happy to see him back and, geographically and emotionally displaced, he feels more alienated from his life than ever. Sitting by his father’s hospital bed, the memoirist begins to remember long-buried traumas, the root causes of his fallout with his family, the catalyst for his marriage and its recent dissolution, and his strained relationships with his children—all of which is strangely linked to a short story he published years ago about a young girl named Palestine. As he plunges deeper into his memory and recounts the history of his land and his love, the lines between truth and lies, fact and fiction become increasingly blurred. Hailed as “an unusually gifted storyteller ...

Brother, Can You Raise a Million?

Autor: Shlomo Wexler

Número de Páginas: 474

A rabbi, trying to raise money for his yeshiva in Jerusalem, inadvertently helps two Americans from very different walks of life find each other and fall in love. This book goes behind-the-scenes of the world of Jewish fund-raising to reveal both its noble and not-so-noble character. Many people will recognise the fierce competition and humorous kow-towing that occurs when fund-raisers from yeshivas in Israel solicit American philanthropists.

Genetic Makeup

Autor: Shamim Razaq

Número de Páginas: 228

The book ‘Genetic Makeup’ is made up of short stories. They are mainly about real life issues and growth. The stories cover a broad aspect of life and reflects on issues such as effects of war, mental health, healing and recovery. Childhood and dreams are very important in shaping our lives so this is very much expressed in Genetic Makeup. One story is based in Afghanistan, another in UK and Pakistan, Kashmir, India, Palestine and Nepal. The stories express how women are exposed and treated in these areas of the world and how this can effect their outlook and meaning of life. How we perceive things in the real world and how psychosis can alter our beliefs and perceptions and most importantly being positive about life is the road to recovery. The issues raised are serious and presented in narrative form staying close to reality as possible. As one character says: ‘Look,’ Deepa exposed her arms and back...’they do it when you say no. This is my story, yours has not even begun yet.’...’It’s up to you, shape into the world or die, there’s no room or time to adjust.’ However, positivism is portrayed throughout the short stories. A quote from ‘Paradise on Earth?’ ...

Kiddy J. (Jennifer)

Autor: Michael Jacob

Número de Páginas: 246

Kiddy J. (Jennifer) is the story of a young woman having to face the immediate limits of existence after receiving the transplant of her lover's heart. This unique experience unleashes various incursions into different time and space frames and attaches an exceptional value to every minute of her life. It is an analysis of a human being's stubborn endeavor to survive, to accomplish her creative ambitions by giving a profound meaning to her own life and the lives of those around her. Despite her physical suffering and her psychological trauma, the reality of her life, the fiction of her travels in time, and her imossible and magnificent encounters with Leonardo da Vinci, Jennifer celebrates the joy of living in confrontation with life's incongruitites and absurdities. She finds satisfaction in absorbing the beauty of life wherever she can find it and in inventing it whenever everything around her is barren. That is always her creed. This book is celebrating LIFE and the redemptive power of art.


Autor: Shara Azod

Número de Páginas: 222

No man would ever control her again, in any situation, ever. Okay, no man was ever going to control what she did, not ever again. Okay, no man was going to control her outside the bedroom. Not ever. The problem with Le Duc was the man just didn't listen. He was Dominique Nadir Amir Afshar de Choiseul, or duc de Choiseul. He didn't just run a criminal empire older than most countries, he was an actual duke. Not that it mattered. She wasn't impressed. Duchess explained over and over again that she wasn't getting married. Period. End of discussion. Just as soon as he stopped talking. And looking so edibly delicious.Maybe just a little taste...Excerpt: "Sir, we've arrived." Nadir blinked. Damn, he hadn't even noticed the vehicle had crawled to a stop. Right next to the object of his fascination. Not waiting for the driver to come around to open his door, he slid across the seat to exit closest to the tree. As soon as he was out of the car, he went straight for it, scanning the ground around the base, then the lower branches with no idea what he was looking for. Until he found it. Those were definitely rope burns on those bare, lower branches. Damn. "It's a hanging tree." Encountering...

Not a Mirage

Autor: Fatima Yousif

Número de Páginas: 83

Not a Mirage explains the young life of a lady who has dreams and plans to achieve. The war of the Arab Spring reflected her life. She struggled to be the one she wanted to be under war circumstances.

The Artistic Visage of Dalia

Autor: Jamal S. Jumah

Número de Páginas: 179

A tradesman named Idris Sulayman decides to leave his day job and set himself up as a building contractor. In his search for work, Idris meets Pierre, a Haitian contractor, and his worker Pascal Charlot a real-life character who was killed by the Beltway Sniper. They introduce Idris to Orkun Tecer and his divorced daughter, Dalia, a music teacher, with whom he falls in love. Dalia and Idris are now in an intimate relationship; then Dalia, being remarkably fond of children, becomes pregnant, giving birth to twin boys. It is soon revealed that she is still married to a man named Zeren, and yet Dalia and Idris continue to live under the same roof. In the meantime, Idris is seduced by Reema, the wife of Abel Maher, who was previously employed by Idris, after the former's imprisonment for aggravated assault upon Tariq Haster, Idris's and Abel's compatriot. One day, Zeren, arriving at Idris's house and forcing his way in, sexually assaults Dalia in the kitchen. Zeren is accidently killed by an attempt on the part of Dalia to set herself free. Dalia is bailed until her trial, during which she marries Idris. At last she is sentenced to ten months in prison. By this time Idris has already...

Behind You Book One

Autor: Zaynab

Número de Páginas: 238

"I'm sorry," I stammered feeling his warm breath fanning my face, and his dark eyes boring into mine, with hate evident on his face. He pinned me against the wall once again, looking straight into my eyes. Warm tears made their way down my chin, and I had no strength in stopping them. "It's too late to say sorry my dearest wife" he whispered holding me roughly by the waist. At that moment I know I'm in deep trouble. He is selfish and only thinks about himself. He doesn't care if it'll trouble the people around him. Jawad returns from his journey when he gets the news of him getting married or he loses his position of being the heir to his father's company. Farah is a beautiful and kindhearted woman, with a nice and loving family. When a marriage proposal came for her, she knew her life is about to change. As she has no opposition to marriage, she agrees to marry the man her parents choose for her. Two opposites are tied in an arranged marriage. Will they keep their differences aside? And make their marriage work?

The Thirty Names of Night

Autor: Zeyn Joukhadar

Número de Páginas: 320

"From the author of the acclaimed and award-winning debut The Map of Salt and Stars, a remarkably moving and lyrical novel following three generations of Syrian Americans who are linked by the truths they carry close to their hearts. Five years after a suspicious fire killed his mother, a closeted Syrian American trans boy sheds his birth name and searches for a new one. He has been unable to paint since his mother's ghost has begun to visit him each evening. The only time he feels truly free is when he slips out at night to paint murals on buildings in the once-thriving Manhattan neighborhood known as Little Syria. One night, he finds the tattered journal of a Syrian American artist named Laila Z. She famously and mysteriously disappeared more than sixty years before, but her journal contains proof that Laila Z's past is intimately tied to his mother's-and his grandmother's--in ways he never could have expected. Even more surprising, Laila Z's story reveals the histories of queer and transgender people within his community that he never knew. Following his mother's ghost, he uncovers the silences kept in the name of survival by his own community, his own family, and within...

The Shattered Lullaby: Unveiling a Father's Silence

Autor: Zanan Ahmad

Número de Páginas: 43

"The Broken Lullaby" is a heartwarming and empowering book about a daughter's journey of resilience and personal growth. Meet Lily, the main character, who faces neglect and longs for her father's affection. However, she discovers an inner strength that guides her on a path of healing. Determined, Lily embarks on a quest to overcome her past and embrace her own power. This moving tale emphasizes the significance of a daughter's search for her true identity and the unbreakable bond between daughters and their unwavering spirit. "The Broken Lullaby" serves as a reminder of the strength, courage, and enduring love that every daughter possesses, inspiring readers to embrace their unique journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

The Aisha Prophecy

Autor: John R. Maxim , R. Maxim John R. Maxim

Número de Páginas: 618

Elizabeth Stride, the notorious Black Angel, had hoped to live quietly at last; no more killing, no more being hunted. She now had a family to think of. She had four young girls whom she'd sworn to protect. Especially Aisha, beautiful Aisha, whom she'd come to think of as a daughter. Add to this a mixed blessing; Martin Kessler was back with her. For two years, he'd allowed her to think he was dead. He had his reasons, but, still, she found it hard to forgive him. She would try very hard not to let herself love him. A good man, true, but almost gleefully reckless and every bit as lethal as she was. All seemed well until the prophecy appeared; it was everywhere; in every language; all over the Internet. It foretold the coming, now, today, of what some called a Muslim Joan of Arc. Aisha, the youngest wife of Mohammed, had been reborn, "to show men how they had fallen into error." A fiery angel had come with her, to guide and protect her. Aisha and Qaila. Aisha and the Black Angel. She couldn't know that some had already decided that the two might be one and the same. It was heresy, they said. They must be found. They must be killed. All this talk of the prophecy would die with them. ...

Zarah the Cruel

Autor: Joan Conquest

Número de Páginas: 269

Written as if the reader is gathered around a campfire, this adventure story follows a holy man accused of murder. Follow his nomadic lifestyle as he tries to prove his innocence. Set in the Arabian desert, published in the early 1920s, this book contains some controversial moments and presents moral dilemmas the reader may struggle to answer.

Zodiac Lovers

Autor: Jj Persis

Número de Páginas: 272

When she was just a child, Mojdeh’s life changed. The daughter of a private bodyguard of the last king of Iran, her five-year-old sense of the world couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Her father’s ties to Mohammed Reza Shah meant that her entire family would be forced into exile. Her new life in America inspired a love and loyalty she never imagined toward her homeland. Growing up in a foreign country and culture, Mojdeh did her best to fit in with society. She never let go of her true heritage. Instead, she embraced it and allowed it to shape her. After graduating from college, Mojdeh began a new chapter in her life. Leaving her parents and siblings behind in Texas, she moved to California with the big dreams of finding both a writing career and the love of her life. A true Gemini, she used her positive attitude to overcome hurdles. A lack of romantic insight translated into three unsuccessful attempts at love. Each man was from a different walk of life, but they shared one crucial quality: they were Iranian. In her mid-thirties, she came to an epiphany that allowed her to find her true love. For Mojdeh, life was finally complete, but her happiness was not destined to...

She, Herself & I. Life is a Story - story.one

Autor: Zaineb S. Mahjoubi

Número de Páginas: 61

Have you ever delved into the enigmatic allure that wicked individuals possess, encircled by the crème de la crème of society? Their once vibrant façade fades into a colorless existence when mingling amidst their own kind. They exploit the marginalized, casting them as pawns in their elaborate game of entertainment, a rickety structure built upon a foundation of hypocrisy. Only two souls bear witness to the shadows that dwell within me. In the grand theater of deception, I masquerade as a jester, enchanting my master. Yet, when their awareness grows heavy, drenched like cotton balls immersed in water, I strike without a trace of remorse. I. Am. Not. Mad.

An Unorthodox Match

Autor: Naomi Ragen

Número de Páginas: 350

An Unorthodox Match is a powerful and moving novel of faith, love, and acceptance, from author Naomi Ragen, the international bestselling author of The Devil in Jerusalem. California girl Lola has her life all set up: business degree, handsome fiancé, fast track career, when suddenly, without warning, everything tragically implodes. After years fruitlessly searching for love, marriage, and children, she decides to take the radical step of seeking spirituality and meaning far outside the parameters of modern life in the insular, ultraorthodox enclave of Boro Park, Brooklyn. There, fate brings her to the dysfunctional home of newly-widowed Jacob, a devout Torah scholar, whose life is also in turmoil, and whose small children are aching for the kindness of a womanly touch. While her mother direly predicts she is ruining her life, enslaving herself to a community that is a misogynistic religious cult, Lola’s heart tells her something far more complicated. But it is the shocking and unexpected messages of her new community itself which will finally force her into a deeper understanding of the real choices she now faces and which will ultimately decide her fate.

The Storm Beneath Her Calm

Autor: Teejay Lecapois

Número de Páginas: 575

My name is Samiyah Al-Faiz. I was born in Najran, rural Saudi Arabia, to a family of poor farmers. I should have been married off to some older man but lucky for me I was brilliant, and won one of the King's Scholarships. That's how I ended up at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. In this strange new world, I made a wonderful friend, Jacob Henderson. Even though he was born and raised in Canada, and studied at the University of Ottawa, he's ill-at-ease here, just like I am. Me for my Muslim faith and culture, him because he's black. Jacob offered to teach me how to drive, an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Women aren't allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. With Jacob as my guide, I began to explore new things. We fell in love. If my family finds out about us, I'm a dead woman. Wish us luck, Insha'Allah !


Autor: Anton Shammas

Número de Páginas: 276

Originally published: New York: Harper & Row, c1988.

In the Language of Miracles

Autor: Rajia Hassib

Número de Páginas: 288

• A New York Times Editors’ Choice • “Assured and beautifully crafted . . . Hassib is a natural, graceful writer with a keen eye for cultural difference. . . . [She] handles the anatomy of grief with great delicacy. . . . In the Language of Miracles should find a large and eager readership. For the beauty of the writing alone, Hassib deserves it.” —Monica Ali, The New York Times Book Review “[A] sensitive, finely wrought debut . . . sharply observant of immigrants’ intricate relationships to their adopted homelands, this exciting novel announces the arrival of a psychologically and socially astute new writer.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) For readers of House of Sand and Fog, a mesmerizing debut novel of an Egyptian American family and the wrenching tragedy that tears their lives apart, from the author of A Pure Heart Samir and Nagla Al-Menshawy appear to have attained the American dream. After immigrating to the United States from Egypt, Samir successfully works his way through a residency and launches his own medical practice as Nagla tends to their firstborn, Hosaam, in the cramped quarters of a small apartment. Soon the growing family moves into a big...

If All the Seas Were Ink

Autor: Ilana Kurshan

Número de Páginas: 320

**WINNER of the 2018 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature and the 2018 Sophie Brody Medal for achievement in Jewish literature** **2018 Natan Book Award Finalist** **Finalist for the 2017 National Jewish Book Award in Women's Studies ** The Wall Street Journal: "There is humor and heartbreak in these pages...Ms. Kurshan immerses herself in the demands of daily Talmud study and allows the words of ancient scholars to transform the patterns of her own life." The Jewish Standard: “Brilliant, beautifully written, sensitive, original." The Jerusalem Post: "A beautiful and inspiring book. Both religious and secular readers will find themselves immensely moved by [Kurshan's] personal story.” American Jewish World: “So engrossing I hardly could put it down.” At the age of twenty-seven, alone in Jerusalem in the wake of a painful divorce,Ilana Kurshan joined the world’s largest book club, learning daf yomi, Hebrew for“daily page” of the Talmud, a book of rabbinic teachings spanning about six hundredyears. Her story is a tale of heartache and humor, of love and loss, of marriageand motherhood, and of learning to put one foot in front of the other by turningpage after page....

The Remains of Love

Autor: Zeruya Shalev

Número de Páginas: 480

Hemda Horovitz is nearing the end of her life. As she lies in bed in Jerusalem, the present flickers in and out as memories from the past flood her thoughts: her childhood in the kibbutz spent under the disappointed gaze of her stern, pioneer father; the lake that was her only solace; and her own two children, one whom she could never love and the other whom she loved too much. Avner, the beloved child, has grown up to be a heavy, anguished man, disillusioned by his work and trapped in a loveless marriage. When visiting his mother in hospital he witnesses an elegant couple's final poignant moments together; after the man's death Avner becomes obsessed with finding the woman, and a strange and delicate relationship unfolds. Dina, Hemda's daughter, has put aside her career in order to give her teenage daughter, Nitzan, the warmth she never received from her own mother. But Nitzan is withdrawing from her, and as Dina slides into despair she is overcome by a longing to adopt a child - a longing that, if fulfilled, may destroy her fragile family. Zeruya Shalev's electrifying new novel is at once a meditation on the state of modern Israel and a profound exploration of family, yearning,...

The Return of the Sheikh

Autor: Kristi Gold

Número de Páginas: 192

His Latest, Greatest Conquest After a seven-year absence, Crown Prince Zain Mehdi returns to his throne with a tarnished reputation and finds a fiery, blue-eyed political consultant named Madison Foster to help him repair it. But Madison isn't just another plaything for the sheikh…. A romance between a royal and a commoner is forbidden, yet Madison can't resist the passionate nights in Zain's bed, lying spent in his strong arms. Loving the crown prince is dangerous enough, but would Madison's latest secret—a royal baby of her own—derail Zain's reign for good…or end in happily ever after?

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