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Número total de livros encontrados: 23 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!

Incomes Policies, Inflation and Relative Pay

Autor: Les Fallick , R F Elliott

Número de Páginas: 299

This book, originally published in 1981, is a major reassessment of the strengths and weaknesses of incomes policies. A distinguished group of economists comprehensively review the rationale and history of the field, giving special attention to the role fo the public sector, the question of low pay and the differing approaches to incomes policies which have been adopted in Europe and North America.

Wages and Salaries

Autor: Tom Lupton , Angela Bowey

Número de Páginas: 198

Management guide for the design, implementation and operation of wage payment systems in the UK - covers job evaluation, wages comparison, work of comparable worth, wage incentive and bonus schemes, wage differential, impact of incomes policy, mensualization, behavioural responses, etc. Bibliography.

Statistics for Compensation

Autor: John H. Davis

Número de Páginas: 414

An insightful, hands-on focus on the statistical methods used by compensation and human resources professionals in their everyday work Across various industries, compensation professionals work to organize and analyze aspects of employment that deal with elements of pay, such as deciding base salary, bonus, and commission provided by an employer to its employees for work performed. Acknowledging the numerous quantitative analyses of data that are a part of this everyday work, Statistics for Compensation provides a comprehensive guide to the key statistical tools and techniques needed to perform those analyses and to help organizations make fully informed compensation decisions. This self-contained book is the first of its kind to explore the use of various quantitative methods—from basic notions about percents to multiple linear regression—that are used in the management, design, and implementation of powerful compensation strategies. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a consultant, practitioner, and teacher of both statistics and compensation, the author focuses on the usefulness of the techniques and their immediate application to everyday compensation work, thoroughly ...

Chartbook on Prices, Wages, and Productivity

Autor: United States. Bureau Of Labor Statistics

Número de Páginas: 44

Wage Payment Systems

Autor: Princeton University. Industrial Relations Section

Número de Páginas: 62

Salary Trends: Firemen and Policemen, 1924-64

Autor: United States. Bureau Of Labor Statistics

Número de Páginas: 540

Pay in the Public Sector

Autor: R. F. Elliott , J. L. Fallick

Número de Páginas: 208

Monograph on public sector wage structure trends and wage determination issues in the UK - discusses public expenditure and employment growth, collective bargaining, trade unionism, declining resort to arbitration, manual worker and nonmanual worker wage differentials, impact of incomes policies, etc., provides comparisons with the private sector, and includes civil servant and public servant wages. Graphs and references.


Autor: Kevin F. Hallock

Número de Páginas: 241

Billions of people are paid for their work. This book explains their current earnings and how they can earn more.

Public Sector Pay and Adjustment

Autor: Christopher Colclough

Número de Páginas: 184

Case studies of Singapore, Korea, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Argentina show that in those countries which adjusted unsuccessfully real earnings declined sharply, often with a further negative impact on output.

Appraisal Related Pay

Autor: Great Britain. Advisory, Conciliation, And Arbitration Service

Número de Páginas: 36

Wage payment systems.

Equitable Pay and Satisfaction with Job Components

Autor: Matthew Kriel Duplessis

Número de Páginas: 102

Salary Facts Handbook

Autor: Jist Works, Inc

Número de Páginas: 916

Most people think they should be earning more but lack reliable facts to prove it or don't consider the realities of the marketplace. Others have pay-related questions as they search for jobs, negotiate salary, and plan for their futures: What can I expect to make in a certain job? What will I earn if I move to a bigger city or a different industry? How much money will I make with more education? Based on a current and official U.S. Department of Labor survey of 1.2 million businesses, Salary Facts Handbook gives the most accurate and detailed pay information available on 800 jobs at 11 levels of education and training. No other resource matches its interesting, easy-to-use format; its vast and varied information; its many useful rankings of jobs by demographic, geographic, educational, and other criteria; and the size and validity of its information source.Highlights include the following:Quick salary finder. Salaries for 800 jobs, including starting pay; mean and median pay; and wages by state, metropolitan area, and industry. Occupations are ranked from 1 to 800 by pay.Pay-boosting advice. Negotiate your best salary, learn if you are you underpaid, leverage your skills, and...

Pay for Results

Autor: Karen Jorgensen

Número de Páginas: 341

Payroll may be the largest item in a company's balance sheets. PAY FOR RESULTS explores ways to use compensation as an incentive tool and management resource. It explains incentive bonuses, performance-based pay, and profit sharing. Real-life case studies reveal which plans work, which don't, and why.

Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration

Autor: Milton L. Rock

Número de Páginas: 818

Job content; Job measurement; Wage and salary structure; Appraising performance; Rewarding performance; Incentives; Surveys and their uses; Noncash compensation; Special compensation programs; The compensation program in action; Trends and issues.

Public Sector Compensation in Times of Austerity

Autor: Oecd

Número de Páginas: 148

This report argues that any new approaches to public sector pay must help to: enhance external competitiveness of salaries; promote internal equity throughout the public sector; reflect the values of public organisations; and align compensation with government’s core strategic objectives.

Principles & Practice of Salary Administration

Autor: Michael Armstrong

Número de Páginas: 344

Monograph comprising a guide to management technique of wage determination in enterprises in the UK - covers wage policies, wages survey techniques, job evaluation, wage structures, performance recording, wage budgeting procedures, etc. References.

Pay Up!

Autor: Kate Dixon

"Pay UP!: Unlocking Insider Secrets of Salary Negotiation" helps readers understand -- and negotiate -- their entire pay package, whether it's their first job out of school or their last job before retirement. Topics include explanations of pay, benefits, and other elements of job offers, getting clarity on what's important, negotiating best practices, what to say (and what not to), and how to shift to a mindset that leads to confidence and competence.

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