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Número total de livros encontrados: 40 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!


Autor: Elliot Page

Número de Páginas: 287

Um livro de memórias disruptivo do conceituado ator Elliot Page. «Posso beijar-te?» Faltavam dois meses para a estreia mundial do filme Juno, e Elliot Page estava num bar gay pela primeira vez. Sentia o peso do ar quente de verão sobre si enquanto olhava para ela. E então aconteceu. À frente de todos. Ali estava ele, prestes a descobrir-se como uma pessoa trans. A ir ao encontro dos seus desejos, dos seus sonhos, de si mesmo, sem a repressão que carregou por tanto tempo. Com o enorme sucesso de Juno, Elliot tornou-se um dos atores mais acarinhados do mundo. Os seus sonhos estavam por fim a realizar-se, mas a pressão para representar sufocava-o, e a carreira que tinha sido uma fuga da realidade para um mundo imaginário de repente transformou-se num pesadelo. Ao lidar com as críticas e os abusos de algumas das pessoas mais poderosas de Hollywood, Elliot mantinha-se frequentemente em silêncio, sem saber o que fazer, até atingir o seu limite. Pageboy é uma ode à coragem de nos libertarmos das expectativas dos outros e assumirmos quem realmente somos.

The Page Boy

Autor: Jeff Child

Learn how Jonathan, a small boy, became a famous author in his town Nathan has a big imagination. He can make up stories like that. But his stories aren’t just made up by daydreaming but also through actual dreams. In this book with several elements, Mathan learns from the best books to include emotions, symbols, and morals in his short stories. Each time he reads a book, he falls asleep, but the things he learns in his sleep are more valuable than what he could have read in the books from his shelves.

The Page Boy

Autor: Jeff Child

Número de Páginas: 62

Learn how Jonathan, a small boy, became a famous author in his town Nathan has a big imagination. He can make up stories like that. But his stories aren't just made up by daydreaming but also through actual dreams. In this book with several elements, Mathan learns from the best books to include emotions, symbols, and morals in his short stories. Each time he reads a book, he falls asleep, but the things he learns in his sleep are more valuable than what he could have read in the books from his shelves.

J. Cole

Autor: Emma Gellibrand

Número de Páginas: 52

J Cole is the story of a young boy who wants to become a pageboy. His letter applying for the job reads as follows, ""HONNERD MADAM, "Wich i hav seed in the paper a page Boy wanted, and begs to say J. Cole is over thertene, and I can clene plate, wich my brutther is under a butler and lernd me, and I can wate, and no how to clene winders and boots. J. Cole opes you will let me cum. I arsks 8 and all found. if you do my washin I will take sevven. J. Cole will serve you well and opes to giv sattisfaxshun. i can cum tomorrer. J. COLE. "P.S.--He is not verry torl but growin. My brutther is a verry good hite. i am sharp and can rede and rite and can hadd figgers if you like."

William Wenton - tome 1 : Le casseur de codes

Autor: Bobbie Peers

Número de Páginas: 170

Nom : Wenton Prénom : William Signes particuliers : génie du décryptage et aventurier malgré lui William a un secret : il vit en Norvège sous une fausse identité depuis que ses parents et lui ont dû fuir l'Angleterre huit ans plus tôt. Mais c'en est fi ni de l'anonymat le jour où il résout le Cryptogramme Insoluble, le code le plus complexe au monde. Une mystérieuse organisation va soudain s'intéresser de très près à lui. D'autant que William possède quelque chose de spécial, qui le rend à la fois très précieux et extrêmement dangereux...

Tu peux me gratter le dos ?

Autor: Jory John , Liz Climo

Número de Páginas: 40

C'est l'histoire d'un éléphant qui hurle à tue-tête à qui voudra bien lui gratter le dos. Mais de la tortue trop lente à l'escargot qui lui bave dessus, personne n'arrive à le soulager ! Un album drôle et impertinent.

Je veux être écrivain

Autor: Paola Zannoner

Número de Páginas: 309

Le roman captivant, drôle et sentimental, d'une jeune fille qui dévoile ses secrets pour écrire un récit. Plein d'humour, le texte nous fait découvrir Mia 13 ans, sa famille loufoque et sa passion de l'écriture ! Devenir écrivain, c'est le rêve le plus cher de Mia, 13 ans. Avec le concours d'écriture annoncé dans la presse, elle va enfin le réaliser. Pour l'inspiration, pas de problème ! Mia n'a qu'à puiser dans son journal intime ses histoires rocambolesques, elle qui a été tour à tour magicienne, danseuse ou pirate. Le seul souci, c'est le beau Sean : comment le rendre amoureux ?

Great As a Button

Autor: Masoud Malekyari

Número de Páginas: 20

They say all great adventures start with just one simple question; a question that often leads to self-discovery. The quest of our little plastic button begins in a tediously crowded city, where he accidentally falls down on the ground. In this unknown world, he tries to find his place on the king’s coat. He strives to become a leader; he even makes a voyage into the deep blue sea. His efforts continue until he finds his own place in life.

Chip Boy

Autor: Jillian Powell

Número de Páginas: 32

Joe doesn't want some weird kid coming to stay with him on the school exchange, but Zeb is not what he expected. Zeb can do tricks that are out of this world, but why is he so fond of chips? This is an incredibly accessible series for reluctant readers - pitched at a low reading age of between 6 and 7. The First Flight collection offers a variety of different text types including fiction, non-fiction, plays and poetry, so is well placed to cater for many interests and abilities to absorb text. Stories range from shipwrecks, surfing and ghosts to monsters, robots and aliens on earth, plus non-fiction topics include rollercoasters, animals and the biggest lies ever.


Autor: Thøger Birkeland

Snarere end omslagets lidt gammeldags drengeportræt vil det være forfatternavnet, der tiltrækker de 11-13-årige. En liste på mere end 50 titler vidner om Birkelands store produktivitet. Den erindrer også om mange gode læseoplevelser og fortæller om spændvidden i forfatterskabet. Han skriver for de små, for de lidt større og for unge, morsomme bøger, spændende bøger og mere alvorlige, med et skarpt blik for skævheder i samfundet og med hjerte for den svage, men dejligt fri for færdige løsninger. Denne titel hører til de mere alvorlige. Den beskriver hvor let det skrøbelige samspil i en familie kan bryde sammen. Da 12-årige Johans far i en periode må tage arbejde i Tyskland p.gr.a. arbejdsløshed, kan moderen ikke klare hverdagen alene for sig selv og sin søn. På sit arbejde møder hun ingen støtte, og Johan føler sig mere og mere ansvarlig for at familien fungerer. Samtidig er han selv påvirket af situationen og bange for, at forældrene skal skilles. Så da han får et legat til en skoletur til Norge, tør han ikke tage hjemmefra og får faktisk et sammenbrud. Men moderen evner stadig ikke at hjælpe ham, så slutningen er åben. Man tør kun håbe på at ...

Encore une page !

Autor: Josh Gills

Número de Páginas: 21

Que c’est bon de lire ! Et si l'on profitait d’un chapitre supplémentaire ?

Parents à la carte. Choisis la famille de tes rêves

Autor: David Baddiel

Número de Páginas: 170

Barry Bennet en a marre. Marre de s'appeler Barry, déjà. Encore une brillante idée de ses parents, ces gens ennuyeux et toujours fatigués. Et la liste des reproches qu'il a à leur faire est longue ! Mais il existe un monde où ce ne sont pas les parents qui font les enfants. Hors de question de laisser une telle responsabilité au hasard ! Dans ce monde, grâce à l'agence Parents à la carte, chaque enfant peut choisir ses parents. Et même en essayer plusieurs. Jusqu'à trouver les parents parfaits. Pour Barry, ce monde-là est un monde de rêve. Mais il s'avère que ce n'est pas aussi simple...

Booker the Bookworm

Autor: Fred Marrs

Número de Páginas: 26

Booker loved to read. Any time, any place, awake or asleep, Booker just consumed books. Big cozy blankets with books close at hand, an oversized chair, "hot chocolate, please," is my demand. Quickly vanished into a novel, without even a care, ask where I've gone""if you even still dare! Off to adventures, round-n-round and afar, pink flying dragons, "how frightfully bizarre!" Castles with treasures and volcanoes that rumble, "Oh, my sheer happiness, finding books by the bundle!" Adrift on a ship holding five golden keys, sunshine and pirates with a warm ocean breeze. Wind gusts waft with saltwater and sea foam, lull'd into calmness, finally heading for home! "Sweet jelly-jammer," bells continued to ring. "Is that my alarm clock or sister trying to sing? 'Twas my book, of course, that Captain Momma was ready to seize!" "A Child's Imagination Is the Art of Seeing the Invisible" Illustrator: Lori Duryea - www.threestrands.biz - A Book for All Ages Author: Fred Marrs

Copain de lecture

Autor: Maya Lemaire

Número de Páginas: 32

Bradley est un jeune garçon qui déteste lire, jusqu'à ce que son professeur lui présente un ami très spécial nommé Ben.Après avoir répété la promesse de lecture, Bradley et Ben ont commencé à apprendre à lire et à découvrir ce qui rend les livres vraiment magiques.Une histoire amusante sur la persévérance, le dépassement des obstacles et la gentillesse.

The Boy from Shangri-La

Autor: Farid Rifaat

Número de Páginas: 84

Egyptian-born Canadian, Farid Rifaat, born of an interracial and interreligion union, tells the story of a boy who learns that his new neighbour has special abilities. One of those abilities will change everything. A story about friendship, trust, and what you might do when you find that you're not like the others. The Boy from Shangri-La is a wonderful read for young teens who are fond of imaginative adventures and reminiscing about their childhood best friends.

Polite Knight

Autor: Jan Westberg

Número de Páginas: 24

An entertaining leveled two-part approach to reading featuring imperfect rhyme using simple sentences, whimsical rhyming stories, and a riddle.

Must. Push. Buttons!

Autor: Jason Good

Número de Páginas: 32

Ever wonder what goes on inside the mind of a toddler? Are you sure you want to know? Okay, here goes. . . I want to put on Mommy's shoes. Get Mommy's shoes off my feet NOW. I'm starving! I want to play with Daddy's phone! I need to push some buttons! In this high-energy, oh-so-true account of life with a toddler, readers are treated to the unique workings of little minds with this read-to-me eBook. Ready?

Bookmarks Are People Too! #1

Autor: Henry Winkler , Lin Oliver

Número de Páginas: 128

Hank stars the same Hank as in the bestselling Hank Zipzer series, only this time he's in 2nd grade! Hank is a kid who doesn't try to be funny, but he somehow always makes the kids in his class laugh. He's pretty bad at memorizing stuff, and spelling is his worst subject. (But so are math and reading!) In the first book in this new series, Hank's class is putting on a play, and Hank wants the lead part: Aqua Fly. But he freezes in his audition and can only buzz like a fly. His teacher creates a special part for Hank, a silent bookmark. This may seem like an insignificant role, but when his enemy, Nick McKelty, freezes during the performance, it's up to Hank to save the play!


Autor: Sane Kalangara Peethambaran

This creation of mine is a journey back in time delving deep into the vicissitudes of my life. It is an exploration of the predicaments and presentiments that churned out what I am. It entails the way I was touched by divinity and how I embraced chaos.

In Kerta Park

Autor: Brandon Mcyntire

Número de Páginas: 22

 When we were kids we often went to Kerta with our parents and friends and one day Jork appeared on the shore of Laborec. He was small like us and when we got to know him he was about seven. Till this day I remember that every time that I asked him what his name was and where he lived he always pointed at the water and said Jork, Jork. He couldn’t say anything else then. It was a lot of fun to be with him and he was always up to some mischief and he was also brave enough to go where other children were afraid to. He was always in front of you. Sometimes his circus-like tricks were really incredible. He was unbelievably quick and not afraid of water, it seemed as if he was at home in it. Just like today even then he did not have any hair. His parents were never with him, that’s if he had any in the first case.

Reading Journal

Autor: Rogue Plus Publishing

Número de Páginas: 114

Here's a no fuss Reading Journal for all book lovers. Organized and user-friendly, there's a page at the beginning for the owner's name, 4 pages for a table of contents, and then over 100 pages with templates for the books you record. The perfect journal for keeping a history of the books you have read and want to read all in one place. On each book you can record the title, author, publisher, genre, number of pages and dates read. A large section to write your reviews and thought plus a section to rate the book on a five star scale. You'll find additional pages for the following; Books I Want to Read Books Borrowed Books Loaned Here are more features and benefits you will enjoy from this journal: USEFUL & CONVENIENT -You can't beat a book like this. It doesn't need batteries and does not require time for you to log in. Plus, it's easy to carry around, you can even bring it on your travels with books to complete reading along the way. A NOTEBOOK BUILT TO LAST- The sturdy cover is made of tough paperback with strong, secure professional trade binding so the pages won't fall out after a few months of use. WELL-CRAFTED INTERIOR- With 100 + extra pages, we used only thick, white paper ...

Readers Are Leaders

Autor: Ray's Missile Shop

Número de Páginas: 110

Do you believe that reading is part of being a leader? Do you consider reading to training for your brain? Then this is the perfect book review journal for you. The journal has a convenient and easy to fill in form for the book title, author, genre year of publication and number of pages. There are also sections to capture memorable quotes, characters, plot summary and notes. There is also a handy five star rating scale provided. In addition to all of the above features the book review journal also has a lined journal page for each book reviewed where additional though can be written. This is book review journal makes a fantastic gift for anyone in your life that loves to read. This is an awesome 6 x 9 Inch, Book Review Journal, 110 Pages with a matte finish. This makes a perfect gift for anyone and for any occasion.The perfect gift for students and professionals alike. Reading Gifts. Reading, Readers Are Leaders book review journal. This awesome book review journal is for everyone who loves reading books, literature classes, and writing. Get this wonderful graphic book review journal as a part of teacher reading accessories. Enjoy great weekend with your favorite book genre,...

Little Bobtail

Autor: Oliver Optic

Número de Páginas: 194

Reproduction of the original: Little Bobtail by Oliver Optic

Shelf Monkey

Autor: Corey Redekop

Número de Páginas: 258

Thomas Friesen has three goals in life: get a job, make friends, and find a good book to curl up with. After landing a job at READ, the newest hypermegabookstore, he feels he may have accomplished all three. All is not peaceable within the stacks, however, as discontent steadily rises, aimed squarely at talk show host Munroe Purvis, whose wildly popular book club is progressively lowering the IQ of North America. But the bookworms have a plan?plots are being hatched and the destruction of Munroe is all but assured. As Thomas finds himself swept along in the malstrom of insanity, he wonders if reading a book is all it's cracked up to be.

Books for Boys

Autor: Chicago Public Library

Número de Páginas: 42

Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.

A Boy's Ride

Autor: Gulielma Zollinger

Número de Páginas: 160

NEW PRINT WITH PROFESSIONAL TYPE-SET IN CONTRAST TO SCANNED PRINTS OFFERED BY OTHERS A Boy's Ride This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions. 2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few...

Bo-Peep Story Books

Autor: Hardpress

Número de Páginas: 182

Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.

Fun Time Stories

Autor: Bpi

Fun Time Stories are a collection of fascinating classics that children enjoy the most. The stories have elements of love, hatred, bravery, revenge and triumph.


Autor: Vince Vawter

Número de Páginas: 241

Newspaper copyboy Victor Vollmer sets out from Memphis to spread the ashes of Mr. Spiro, his friend and mentor, at the mouth of the Mississippi River, and with the help of new friend Philomene he may meet the challenge.

The Boy's Own Paper, Vol. 10

Número de Páginas: 92

Excerpt from The Boy's Own Paper, Vol. 10: December 3, 1887 He was busy greasing the cross-cut saw as he spoke, and, after a moment's pause, called out, N ow, Harry, catch hold 1 keep your hand up, and draw the saw smoothly to and fro without any jerking. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

A First Reader (Classic Reprint)

Autor: Jenny H. Stickney

Número de Páginas: 116

Excerpt from A First Reader Go for the cows now Ned. Let me go. I like to go. What a funny hat you have! About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

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