Diario Do Estado

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Número total de livros encontrados: 24 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!
On s'y fera

On s'y fera

Autor: Zoyâ Pirzâd

Número de Páginas: 258

Quand on découvre que Zardjou, l’homme qui remet en question la vie d’Arezou, est marchand de serrures, on peut y voir l’ironie d’un signe plus subtil qu’il n’y paraît. Les apparences sont trompeuses ; on entre avec plus de vigilance et de curiosité dans une belle histoire d’amour. À travers le destin d’une femme active, divorcée, partagée entre sa mère et sa fille, trois générations s’affrontent dans un monde où règnent depuis longtemps les interdits et le non-dit. On suit Arezou, au bord du rire ou des larmes, sous la neige, espérant avec elle profiter enfin d’une certaine beauté de la vie. Dans un roman d’une richesse et d’une vigueur exceptionnelles, Zoyâ Pirzâd brosse à la fois le portrait d’une société pleine de contradictions et celui d’une femme passionnante, aussi drôle et attachante qu’une héroïne de Jane Austen.

La marchande de sable

La marchande de sable

Autor: Katia Belkhodja

Número de Páginas: 80

La marchande de sable est un récit où se confrontent langues et histoires, peuples nomades et sédentaires, désert et ville. Il est question d’une petite fille, nommée Schéhérazade, et de ses pouvoirs étranges. Elle a un rapport complexe à la langue arabe, qui est pour elle à la fois langue étrangère et langue paternelle. Utilisant cette langue, elle fait appel à son père. Mais quand le père arrive, il est trop tard. La ville doit-elle imposer une seule langue, sédentaire, enracinée? La ville qui a opté pour la fixité (par contraste à la mobilité nomade) se trouve infectée par l’arabe, infection qui sera la cause de sa destruction.

Gaza dans la peau

Gaza dans la peau

Autor: Selma Dabbagh

Número de Páginas: 396

Gaza est bombardée. Rashid est en train de regarder les obus tomber en fumant un joint quand il reçoit ­l'e-mail lui annonçant qu'il peut partir à Londres. Iman, sa sœur jumelle, ne supporte plus les atrocités et l'inaction qui les entourent, elle envisage de rejoindre un groupe de résistance islamique. Sabri, leur frère aîné, a perdu sa famille et ses deux jambes dans un attentat à la voiture piégée. Leur mère semble avoir un passé trouble. Leur père a fui pour s'établir dans un pays du Golfe. Le récit suit la vie de cette famille, la façon dont chacun essaie de se trouver une place au monde, le fossé croissant entre les factions palestiniennes, la montée du fondamentalisme... Roman noir car la pression est constante, la réalité dépeinte tragique, mais écrit avec une humanité et un humour extraordinaires, il donne à voir une autre Palestine. « Énergique, palpitant, audacieux... » The Guardian « Captivant ?! » Publisher's Weekly Selma Dabbagh, ancienne avocate des droits de l'homme, est née en 1970 en Écosse, d'un père palestinien de Jaffa et d'une mère anglaise. Elle se rend chaque année en Palestine. Gaza dans la peau est son premier roman.

Le syndrome de l'accent étranger

Le syndrome de l'accent étranger

Autor: Mariam Sheik Fareed

Número de Páginas: 193

Un premier roman original, qui raconte l'apprentissage du bonheur de personnages attachants Désiré, balayeur de la Ville de Paris, trouve dans le métro une sacoche oubliée, contenant un ordinateur. Et lorsqu'il découvre à l'écran les premières pages d'un roman, cette lecture réveille en lui un enthousiasme bien enfoui depuis son départ de la lointaine île Maurice. Cet immigré à la vie humble, qui connaît les mots mais ne sait pas bien les écrire, sollicite l'aide de Marie, une bénévole en association, pour adresser un courrier des plus audacieux à l'auteur : l'ordinateur ne lui sera restitué que s'il donne une suite à l'histoire. Débute alors la correspondance entre Désiré et l'apprenti romancier Alexandre, cuisinier d'origine bretonne, sous le coup d'une rupture amoureuse. Comme, justement, Alexandre ne sait quoi faire de Sophie – son personnage victime d'un mal rare, mais réel : le syndrome de l'accent étranger –, il va mettre Désiré à contribution en lui demandant des idées. L'aventure commence pour ces deux hommes que rien ne prédestinait à se rencontrer : un cheminement sensible, drôle, douloureux aussi. Au long de ce premier roman...

Sin imagen

Zara; A Tragedy, in Five Acts, by Aaron Hill

Autor: Voltaire

Número de Páginas: 12
Trahison pieuse

Trahison pieuse

Autor: Intissar Haddiya

Número de Páginas: 141

La révélation d’un étrange secret, à la suite du décès d’un homme irréprochable à tous points de vue, fait basculer la vie paisible d’une famille de notables. Dans le même temps, un dangereux manipulateur est sur le point de commettre une grande escroquerie, abusant de la confiance de nombreuses femmes... Trahison pieuse... oxymore troublant, au cœur d’un drame social où se conjuguent vices et mensonges sous d’inquiétants dehors de bonté.

Si je pouvais

Si je pouvais

Autor: Zohreh Rezazadeh

Número de Páginas: 44

Si je pouvais... Il était une fois un petit nuage frais qui était généreux et aimant. Il avait plein d'imagination et éprouvait un grand désir d'expérimenter la vie. À travers ses aventures, le petit nuage a appris la valeur de la famille et de l'amitié.

In Women We Trust

In Women We Trust

Autor: Naim Haroon Sakhia

Número de Páginas: 384

A teenager’s indiscretion becomes a family tragedy and threatens to become a national scandal in this Pakistan-set drama. Gul is the 15-year-old son of poor people who work for Sardar Timur, a wealthy and powerful man in Hayatabad, Pakistan. He’s suddenly pulled into a brief sexual encounter with Timur’s daughter, Farah, on whom he has had a longtime crush, and the two are discovered in an unlucky moment that has extraordinary reverberations. Furious at what he feels is his mortification, Timur calls for a Panchayat, an “informal justice system” that empowers a council of locals to mete out determinations of guilt and innocence. Author Sakhia astutely captures the nature of these easily corruptible proceedings, which are officially illegal but largely ignored by the police. For Gul and his family, the stakes couldn’t be higher; he could be castrated or killed, and his relations could also suffer gruesome fates. Meanwhile, French journalist Arlette Baudis, who has accused the prime minister of Pakistan of sexual harassment, attempts to make the Panchayat fiasco into an issue of international interest—not only to highlight the nation’s corruption but also to...

L' e-Boutique de l'Assistante Librarie

L' e-Boutique de l'Assistante Librarie

Autor: Papatia Feauxzar

Número de Páginas: 218

Qari D. Fofana-- connue sous le nom de Kerry par ses amis Américains, est une fille Ivoirienne de vingt-trois ans vivant aux États-Unis. Dallas, pour être précis. En tant qu'introverti social, Qari a toujours voulu ouvrir une boutique de café-thé en ligne. Elle a des visions de vivre la vie glamour qui consiste à lire des livres et à travailler en pyjama toute la semaine. Et pendant un court moment, il semble que le rêve de Qari d'ouvrir ce magasin, aussi farfelu que cela puisse paraître parfois, se réalisera, jusqu'à l'expiration de son visa de travail et de l'I-20. Peur d'être déportée et de décevoir sa famille dans son pays natal, Qari accepte un plan pour épouser un beau propriétaire Musulman et Américain; un homme gentil qui a fait connaître ses sentiments à Qari. Cependant, ce plan aussi se retourne contre elle. Face à la déportation, Qari emballe ses maigres affaires et rentre chez elle en Côte d'Ivoire, déterminée à concrétiser au moins certaines de ses ambitions. Cependant, elle se rend vite compte qu'un énorme morceau de son coeur brisé et de ses rêves différés sont restés aux États-Unis. L'e-Boutique de l'Assistante Librarie est une...



Autor: Eli Amir

Número de Páginas: 366

"I'm an Arab Jew. I listen to classical music in the morning and Arabic music in the evening." Surprisingly for someone so young, Nuri Imari (whose family we encountered in The Dove Flyer), is appointed advisor on Arab affairs to the Israeli government. With little guidance he is asked by his boss to "set up an office in East Jerusalem, sniff around to see what's happening there, meet their effendis, and provide me with your evaluations." Everyone is reeling from the aftermath of the Six Day War. The Palestinians cannot comprehend their losses, whilst the Israelis are waking up to a new political reality - and new responsibilities. Nuri discovers complexities and loyalties he could never have imagined. He tries to steer a humane course but soon finds himself confronting bigotry and hatred on both sides. And then he meets Yasmine, a Palestinian woman recently returned from Paris...



Autor: Azhar Ul Haque Sario

Número de Páginas: 106

Azhar: Journey of Love is a heartwarming and inspiring story of self-discovery, love, and perseverance. The book tells the life story of Azhar, a man who goes through a series of struggles and hardships, and how he overcomes them to find love and success in both his personal and professional life. Divided into multiple chapters, the book starts with Azhar's early experiences with love and heartbreak. It shows how he rises from defeat and creates a business empire with trusted partners. The book delves into the heroism and courageous stand of Azhar against greed and corruption while fighting for justice and protecting his family's legacy. Throughout the book, Azhar's journey of love and understanding is traced, including his missed opportunity for love, his awakening to the beauty of love in seemingly unlikely places, and his rediscovery of love with his lifelong partner Sara. The book details their engagement, planning of their dream wedding, and the joys and trials of starting a family together. Azhar's professional journey is crafted with equal care. The story deeply describes his partnership with Ameen, and their journey to building an entrepreneurial empire in mobile...

Girls of Riyadh

Girls of Riyadh

Autor: Rajaa Alsanea

Número de Páginas: 304

“Alsanea's wisdom and insight into the female experience seem surreal. She captures the core, universal truths of the complications in finding and holding a life partner. Her characters provide wisdom to each other that are astounding in their accuracy, and Alsanea thus speaks for countless women everywhere.” —Bookreporter.com When Rajaa Alsanea boldly chose to open up the hidden world of Saudi women—their private lives and their conflicts with the traditions of their culture—she caused a sensation across the Arab world. Now in English, Alsanea’s tale of the personal struggles of four young upper-class women offers Westerners an unprecedented glimpse into a society often veiled from view. Living in restrictive Riyadh but traveling all over the globe, these modern Saudi women literally and figuratively shed traditional garb as they search for love, fulfillment, and their place somewhere in between Western society and their Islamic home.



Autor: Fouad Azim

Número de Páginas: 320

This is a story of blooming love and betrayal, about children coming of age, of conscience and the sociopaths who lack it; it is a story about trust and how true love empowers and heals us. In the end, it is a story about humanity and the eternal struggle between good and evil. Nyla and Junaid are classmates learning about the world around them and in the process discovering themselves. They must endure and survive a path fraught with confusion and peril if they hope to emerge victoriou



Autor: Ammar Abdulhamid

Número de Páginas: 76

Hasan, the local imam's son, has the strange ability to smell a menstruating woman among a thousand others. This helps him classify members of the opposite sex with whom he has little contact until the day he has a brief affair with a married woman. This sexual initiation irrevocably transforms him and shakes his entire system of beliefs. Hasan no longer knows what to believe in nor who he is, he just knows he has to avoid the marriage his father has arranged for him. Hasan's story runs in tandem with Wisam's, a friend of his sister's, who is unhappily married and having her first lesbian relationship. Her sense of alienation from her husband, her frustration and her newfound sexuality echo Hasan's questions about religion, identity and sexuality. Hasan and Wisam will both experience frustration, doubts and ultimately liberation in different ways. Their previously held notions about religion and sexuality are dramatically shaped by their new experiences and the influence of Nadim and Kindah, the progressive intellectuals who help them formulate a new worldview. Abdulhamid's daring debut novel explores contemporary themes related to sexuality, self-realization and repression within ...

A Hand Full of Stars

A Hand Full of Stars

Autor: Rafik Schami

Número de Páginas: 208

Amid the turmoil of modern Damascus, one teenage boy finds his political voice in a message of rebellion that echoes throughout Syria and as far away as Western Europe. Inspired by his dearest friend, old Uncle Salim, he begins a journal to record his thoughts and impressions of family, friends, life at school, and his growing feelings for his girlfriend, Nadia. Soon the hidden diary becomes more than just a way to remember his daily adventures; on its pages he explores his frustration with the government injustices he witnesses. His courage and ingenuity finally find an outlet when he and his friends begin a subversive underground newspaper. Warmed by a fine sense of humor, this novel is at once a moving love story and a passionate testimony to the difficult and committed actions being taken by young people around the world.

Zodiac Lovers

Zodiac Lovers

Autor: Jj Persis

Número de Páginas: 275

When she was just a child, Mojdeh's life changed. The daughter of a private bodyguard of the last king of Iran, her five-year-old sense of the world couldn't comprehend what was happening. Her father's ties to Mohammed Reza Shah meant that her entire family would be forced into exile. Her new life in America inspired a love and loyalty she never imagined toward her homeland. Growing up in a foreign country and culture, Mojdeh did her best to fit in with society. She never let go of her true heritage. Instead, she embraced it and allowed it to shape her. After graduating from college, Mojdeh began a new chapter in her life. Leaving her parents and siblings behind in Texas, she moved to California with the big dreams of finding both a writing career and the love of her life. A true Gemini, she used her positive attitude to overcome hurdles. A lack of romantic insight translated into three unsuccessful attempts at love. Each man was from a different walk of life, but they shared one crucial quality: they were Iranian. In her mid-thirties, she came to an epiphany that allowed her to find her true love. For Mojdeh, life was finally complete, but her happiness was not destined to last....

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