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Número total de livros encontrados: 40 para sua pesquisa Aproveite sua leitura!
English for Read - volume 2

English for Read - volume 2

Autor: Ailton Sobral Galão

Nesse mundo tão competitivo que vivemos, o conhecimento de um segundo idioma é primordial para termos sucesso em nossa vida profissional. Porém, muitas vezes, nos deparamos com o nosso maior inimigo ao aprendizado, o tempo. Visando ajudar as pessoas que querem aprender, mas contam com pouco tempo, esse projeto foi criado. Nossa proposta é que você possa aprender de forma fácil e concisa, um pouquinho de cada vez, através de textos diários que possam lhe auxiliar na compreensão e no domínio das palavras.

Novo Michaelis, dicionário ilustrado: Português-inglês

Novo Michaelis, dicionário ilustrado: Português-inglês

Número de Páginas: 1388
The Summer With You (My Summer of You Vol. 2)

The Summer With You (My Summer of You Vol. 2)

Autor: Nagisa Furuya

Número de Páginas: 0

A wistful summer blossoms between two high-school boys finding themselves and each other through a shared love of movies in this moving, dramatic, two-volume BL romance series, perfect for fans of Seven Days, Given, or I Hear the Sunspot. SUMMER DAYS, SUMMER NIGHTS After graduating from high school, Chiharu returns to Tokyo to start university, and spend another summer with his now-boyfriend Wataru. The two boys might be busy with their part-time jobs and schoolwork, but they’re living in the same city again at last, which sets off new sparks and adventures. In addition to their usual weekend movie plans, they shake things up with a night out at a fireworks festival before continuing their summer pilgrimage to a deserted island. And then, when Wataru misses the last train home, he spends the night at Chiharu’s. In return, Chiharu asks for just one thing…

Placar Magazine

Placar Magazine

Número de Páginas: 64

PLACAR: a maior revista brasileira de futebol. Notícias, perfis, entrevistas, fotos exclusivas.

Best Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Best Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Autor: Wise Puzzles

BEST PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles volume 2 takes you to the second journey of happiness, generated with the passion and desire to teach and entertain everyone in the world of puzzles. Our Objective is to give you the best game, teach the best of Portuguese Grammar and spellings, leaving a smile on every face at the end of each game. Discover more and learn by searching for every word in the 15 by 15 grid size puzzles from the list of 24 words selected for you. Keep the game more exciting as you compete against your friends or by timimg yourself, keep the brains more active as you play the game. All the words in the puzzles can either be traced horizontally or vertically, downward or upward, forward or backward and in the diagonal directions. The puzzles are clear and visible enough to favor all persons with visual impairment. The game is very simple, just get a pen or pencil, circle or cross out the right words listed. Be happy and have fun as you enjoy the best of 100 BEST PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles accompanied with 100 solutions.

Escalpo carioca & outras canções

Escalpo carioca & outras canções

Autor: Dora Longo Bahia

Número de Páginas: 192
Parleremo Languages Word Search Puzzles Travel Edition Portuguese -

Parleremo Languages Word Search Puzzles Travel Edition Portuguese -

Autor: Erik Zidowecki

Número de Páginas: 124

No one said learning a language had to be boring! Learning vocabulary can be a long and tiresome process. We try to add some fun to it with these word search puzzles. Spend several enjoyable hours finding the words in each grid and the new vocabulary will slip easily into your brain! Each book contains 120 puzzles in several categories. Every puzzle is unique and sure to make your vocabulary acquisition entertaining as well as educational! The categories for this book include: Airport, Animals, Around the House, Birds, Clothing, Family, Food, Fruit, Hotel, Parts of the Body, Restaurant, Vegetables. This is the travel edition of this series. That means it is easier for you to take the language learning fun with you!

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians

Autor: Tyndale

Número de Páginas: 80

"13 lessons to help us stay loyal to Christ"--Cover.

Sin imagen

O Preixinho Amigo

Autor: Shirley Whitney , Judi Limberg

Número de Páginas: 28

This is the Portuguese version of FISH FRIENDS. The English words are printed under the Portuguese translation. This book is also available in Chinese.Count up to five as the fish find their friends. Count back down again as the fish go back home. This book started as a song that our grandchildren could sing in the bathtub with their fish toys. Because it is a favorite of our 2 year old grandchild, we've put it in book form. This book is simple enough that our friends are translating it into other languages to use with preschoolers as they learn their numbers and colors. We also sing the song as a circle game, picking fish to join us to swim and then sending them back home again. We hope you enjoy it too!You can find the audio song that goes with this book at:http://www.mygrandmatime.com/3019-2/shop-with-grandma/grandmas-books/

Parleremo Languages Basic Vocabulary Quizzes Portuguese -

Parleremo Languages Basic Vocabulary Quizzes Portuguese -

Autor: Erik Zidowecki

Número de Páginas: 218

When your language study books run of out exercises, what do you do? Supplement your language learning with these basic quizzes. Select the best word to match each given word. Spend several enjoyable hours completing these quizzes and filling your brain with new words. Each book contains 180 quizzes in several categories, with 24 multiple choice questions in each quiz. Every quiz is unique and sure to help you with learning basic vocabulary. There are word lists along with a section for solutions. The categories for this book include: Airport, Animals, Around the House, Birds, Clothing, Family, Food, Fruit, Hotel, Parts of the Body, Restaurant, Vegetables.

Uncover Level 2 Student's Book

Uncover Level 2 Student's Book

Autor: Ben Goldstein , Ceri Jones

Número de Páginas: 129

Uncover a whole new world! Captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics engage teenage learners and spark their curiosity. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education(TM), Uncover combines captivating video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity, fostering more meaningful learning experiences. Up to four videos in every unit make learning relevant and create opportunities for deeper understanding. Guided, step-by-step activities and personalized learning tasks lead to greater speaking and writing fluency. Complete digital support, including extra online practice activities and access to the Cambridge Learning Management platform is also available.



Número de Páginas: 92

Revista Tpm. Entrevistas e reportagens sobre comportamento, moda, beleza, viagem e decoração para mulheres que querem ir além dos manuais, desafiando os padrões. Imagem não é tudo.

Great Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Great Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Autor: Asha Kato

Número de Páginas: 122

Welcome to GREAT PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles volume 2 created with the passion and the pleasure of keeping the brains interactive with the body systems, giving fun to everyone. The objective is to create a friendly home of puzzles and leave a smile on every face, hence opening up a ground of opportunities for each person to learn more of the Portuguese Grammar. Discover more as you test the brains by searching for every word in the 15 by 15 grid size puzzles from the list of 24 educative words selected for you. Keep the game more interesting as you compete against your friends or by timing yourself, the faster you accomplish the game, the more fun you get. Each word in the puzzles can either be traced horizontally or vertically, downward or upward, forward or backward and in the diagonal directions. The puzzles are clear and visible enough to favor all persons with visual impairment. The game is very simple and exciting, just get a pen or pencil, circle or cross out the right words. Smile and have fun as you enjoy the best of 100 GREAT PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles compiled with 100 solutions.

Guess What! Level 2 Pupil's Book British English

Guess What! Level 2 Pupil's Book British English

Autor: Susannah Reed

Número de Páginas: 105

Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Are you ready to explore? Why do whales jump out of water? What makes our bodies move? Guess What! is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography and captivating video. The highly photographic Pupil's Book Level 2 brings lessons to life with engaging characters, topics that spark children's curiosity, and a wide variety of activities, including humorous contextual dialogues, songs, chants, games, stories illustrating social values, functional dialogues, and role play. There are plenty of opportunities for developing children's thinking skills and their knowledge of other subjects in the CLIL lessons.

Idioma é música

Idioma é música

Autor: Susanna Zaraysky

Número de Páginas: 74

O livro Idioma é música contém mais de 70 dicas para melhor aprender idiomas. As ferramentas mais indicadas para esse obje- tivo são ouvir e cantar música, assistir a flmes e à televisão, escutar rádio e usar recursos de baixo custo na internet. Quando você ouve algo numa frequência (alto, baixo) diferente em outra língua, pode não ouvir corretamente, porque seu cérebro não está acostumado ao som. Usar a música ajuda a aumentar o alcance da frequência que os ouvidos são capazes de processar e, portanto, capazes de ouvir e pronunciar corretamente.

Arr3pios - A Sinfonia Da Destruição 2 eamp; Outras Histórias

Arr3pios - A Sinfonia Da Destruição 2 eamp; Outras Histórias

Autor: Eduardo De São José Simões

O décimo quinto (15o) livro da série Arr3pios. Este e-book contém cem (100) contos de terror, morte, medo, thriller, horror, crime e de arrepiar, de entre os quais «A sinfonia da destruição 2» que é um conto mais longo em que uma assassina mata segundo músicas e segundo vários «Smurfs». Em todos os contos há mortes desnecessárias e sem sentido muito no género que já caracteriza este autor. O terror dos contos não é um terror intenso, mas tem muitas mortes e sempre um final que o leitor não está à espera e com muitas mortes das mais variadas formas e géneros. Uma característica deste autor é os seus contos conterem muitos diálogos e poucas descrições o que torna a sua leitura agradável e entretida. O autor pretende, ao colocar os e-books da série Arr3pios a um preço acessível, que todos, os que gostarem de terror, possam ler os contos a baixo custo.

Classic Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Classic Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Autor: A. M. Kasamba

Número de Páginas: 122

Welcome to CLASSIC PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles volume 2 designed and created with the passion of stimulating the brains, leaving the brains fresh and awake all the time. Our main goal is to create a social change and have a user friendly ground for everyone in the world of puzzles, giving each individual a chance to learn more Portuguese Grammar. Test the brains by searching for every word in the 15 by 15 grid size puzzles from the list of 24 words selected for you. Make the game more exciting as you compete against your friends or by timing yourself, the faster you accomplish the game, the more awake and active your brains are. All the words in the puzzles can either be traced horizontally or vertically, downward or upward, forward or backward and in the diagonal directions. The puzzles are clear and visible enough to favor all persons with visual impairment. The game is very simple, just get a pen or pencil, circle or cross out the right words listed. Be happy and have fun as you enjoy the best of 100 CLASSIC PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles accompanied with 100 solutions.

Cálculos de Caldeiraria: Manual Prático.

Cálculos de Caldeiraria: Manual Prático.

Autor: Nazareno Fraga

Número de Páginas: 71

Boilermaking Calculations: Practical Manual. Cálculos de Calderería: Manual Práctico. Neste Manual você encontrará as mais usadas peças de caldeiraria. Com fórmulas práticas será possível desenvolver com maior praticidade todas as dezenas de desenvolvimentos. Peças: In this manual you will find the most used boiler parts. With practical formulas it will be possible to develop with more practicality all the dozens of developments. Parts: En este manual encontrará las piezas de Calderería más utilizadas. Con fórmulas prácticas será posible desarrollar con más practicidad todas las decenas de desarrollos. Partes Módulo I 2-1 Cotovelo 2-2 Boca de lobo 2-3 Boca de lobo inclinada 2-4 Boca de lobo nas costas da curva 2-5 Curva de gomos 2-6 Unha no tubo 2-7 Boca de lobo excêntrica e inclinada 2-8 Unha nas costas da curva 2-9 Y ou Perna de moça 2-10 Boca de lobo inclinada no cone 2-11 Boca de lobo no cone 2-12 Boca de lobo excêntrica no cone 2-13 Orifício da boca de lobo 2-14 Orifício da unha no tubo 2-15 Gomo reverso 2-16 Unha na esfera Módulo II 3-1 Retângulo para redondo 3-2 Retângulo para redondo excêntrico 3-3 Retângulo para redondo totalmente excêntrico...

O paradoxo de Atlas

O paradoxo de Atlas

Autor: Olivie Blake

Número de Páginas: 522

Na sequência do fenômeno do TikTok, alianças improváveis e revelações chocantes preparam o terreno para um embate que pode definir o futuro da humanidade Destino é uma escolha. E, na continuação eletrizante de A sociedade de Atlas, toda escolha tem consequências devastadoras. Detentora do conhecimento perdido das grandes civilizações da Antiguidade, a Sociedade Alexandrina guarda mistérios que a cada década precisam ser desvendados pelos mágicos mais talentosos do mundo. Comandado por Atlas Blakely, um homem misterioso com um passado sombrio, o lugar garante aos seus membros uma vida de prestígio e privilégios. Ao longo de um ano, seis jovens lutaram para provar a serventia de seus poderes em um jogo incendiário e perigoso, mas apenas cinco deles concluíram a iniciação. A Sociedade dá, a Sociedade tira. Agora, os mágicos precisam lidar com o peso de suas decisões e entender quem — ou o quê— está por trás da instituição, enquanto tentam decifrar um enigma que desafia suas habilidades e seus conhecimentos sobre tempo e espaço. Alianças começam a ruir e novos pactos são forjados, e eles logo se veem presos numa intrincada teia de conspirações e...

Cousins Forever - Primas para Sempre

Cousins Forever - Primas para Sempre

Autor: Elisavet Arkolaki

Número de Páginas: 36

A high-quality bilingual children's story in Portuguese and English, ideal for bilingual families and kids who learn Portuguese or English as a second language. The book has been translated by a father and professional Portuguese translator, Tiago Gomes, who has translated many children's books. Cousins Forever is a beautifully written and illustrated book that captures the special relationship that cousins share. When one of the two families moves abroad, the two cousins do not let the distance come between them. They talk often about their friends, animals, different seasons, and outdoor activities, via video chat. With new words and languages being part of their everyday life, the two girls come up with a fun, painting game, the "Word Swap". A lovely tribute to the unique friendship of cousins. Parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents can share this book with little ones who are just beginning the lifelong journey as cousins together. Close friends are family also, so if you don't have an extended family, your child's best friend may also be referred to as a cousin. After reading this book, children will: ✓Be prompted to write their very own favorite words ✓Be encouraged to ...

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Representações sociais dos alimentos para pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar as representações sociais dos alimentos sob a ótica de pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa, cujo referencial teórico adotado foi a teoria das representações sociais. Optou-se por esse referencial teórico, em virtude de ser o mais adequado para investigar como as representações sociais dos alimentos são percebidas pelas pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. O enfoque teórico fundamenta-se na psicologia social, na vertente de Moscovici, aprofundada por Denise Jodelet. Os participantes foram selecionados a partir da lista de espera do Centro de Pesquisa e Extensão Universitária do interior paulista, em 2008. A amostra foi constituída por 14 participantes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2, de ambos os sexos, cuja idade variou de 43 a 83 anos, sendo atendidos os critérios de seleção. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista estruturada e um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada construído a partir da literatura, com a seguinte questão norteadora: Gostaria que falasse a respeito do que os alimentos significam para o(a) Sr(a) em seu...

Easy Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Easy Portuguese Word Search Puzzles

Autor: K S Kato

Welcome to the best of EASY PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles volume 2 designed to continue refreshing the minds and keep the brains more active through the educative and entertaining puzzles created for you. Our main Objective is to give everyone a chance to learn Portuguese Grammar and spellings, as you refresh the minds and keep the brains active. Discover more and learn by searching for every word in the 15 by 15 grid size puzzles from the 24 words selected for you. Keep the game more exciting as you compete against your friends or by timimg yourself, keep the brains more active as you play the game. Every word in the puzzles can either be traced horizontally or vertically, downward or upward, forward or backward and in the diagonal directions. The puzzles are visible enough to favor all persons with visual impairment. The game is very simple, just get a pen or pencil, circle or cross out the right words listed. Be happy and have fun as you enjoy the best of 100 EASY PORTUGUESE Word Search Puzzles accompanied with 100 solutions.

Primas para Sempre - Ξαδέρφια για πάντα

Primas para Sempre - Ξαδέρφια για πάντα

Autor: Elisavet Arkolaki

Número de Páginas: 36

A high-quality bilingual children's story in Greek and Portuguese of Portugal, ideal for bilingual families and kids who learn Greek or European Portuguese as a second language. The story has been written in Greek by Elisavet Arkolaki, native Greek speaker, translator, and author of "Where am I from?" and "Happiness Street". It has been translated into Portuguese by Tiago Gomes, a professional Portuguese translator, and a father, who has translated many children's books in the past. The book has 36 pages, just above the industry standard of 32 pages, and it appears as 18 page spreads on Kindle. Cousins Forever is a beautifully written and illustrated book that captures the special relationship that cousins share. When one of the two families moves abroad, the two cousins do not let the distance come between them. They talk often about their friends, animals, different seasons, and outdoor activities, via video chat. With new words and languages being part of their everyday life, the two girls come up with a fun, painting game, the "Word Swap". A lovely tribute to the unique friendship of cousins. Parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents can share this book with little ones who are ...

David Busch's Nikon D7500 Guide to Digital SLR Photography

David Busch's Nikon D7500 Guide to Digital SLR Photography

Autor: David D. Busch

Número de Páginas: 528

David Busch's Nikon D7500 Guide to Digital Photography is your all-in-one comprehensive resource and reference for the Nikon D7500 camera. Built around the same 20.9 megapixel sensor as the D500, this mid-level Nikon model has BlueTooth and Wi-Fi wireless control with the SnapBridge smart phone/tablet app. A swiveling screen, 4K video, 8 fps continuous shooting, and ISO speeds up to 1.6 million make the D7500 a significant enthusiast-oriented upgrade. With this book in hand, you can fine tune your camera skills as you explore the world of digital photography, develop your creativity, and take great photographs with your D7500. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Nikon D7500 Guide to Digital Photography covers all the camera's features in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy visual guide to the D7500, with close-up photos and descriptions of the camera's essential features and controls. Learn when to use each option and, more importantly, when not to use...

Ponto de Encontro

Ponto de Encontro

Autor: Clémence Jouët-pastré , Anna Klobucka , Patricia I. Sobral , Maria Luci De Biaji Moreira , Amélia P. Hutchinson

Número de Páginas: 0

Contemporary Portuguese language -- the way you want to teach it Ponto de Encontro is the first Portuguese language textbook that allows the instructor to choose to teach either Brazilian or European Portuguese. The 2nd Edition of this best-selling text is completely updated to reflect the 1990 Acordo Ortogr fico (spelling reform), ensuring students learn how to accurately read and write in Portuguese today. Also available with MyLab Portuguese MyLab(TM) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Portuguese does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Portuguese, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the text and MyLab, search for: 0205876625 / 9780205876624 Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language, 2/e Plus MyLab Portuguese with...

Hadoop For Dummies

Hadoop For Dummies

Autor: Dirk Deroos

Número de Páginas: 408

Let Hadoop For Dummies help harness the power of your data and rein in the information overload Big data has become big business, and companies and organizations of all sizes are struggling to find ways to retrieve valuable information from their massive data sets with becoming overwhelmed. Enter Hadoop and this easy-to-understand For Dummies guide. Hadoop For Dummies helps readers understand the value of big data, make a business case for using Hadoop, navigate the Hadoop ecosystem, and build and manage Hadoop applications and clusters. Explains the origins of Hadoop, its economic benefits, and its functionality and practical applications Helps you find your way around the Hadoop ecosystem, program MapReduce, utilize design patterns, and get your Hadoop cluster up and running quickly and easily Details how to use Hadoop applications for data mining, web analytics and personalization, large-scale text processing, data science, and problem-solving Shows you how to improve the value of your Hadoop cluster, maximize your investment in Hadoop, and avoid common pitfalls when building your Hadoop cluster From programmers challenged with building and maintaining affordable, scaleable...

✌ Cor de Natal Livro de Colorir ✌ Livro de Colorir 6 Anos ✌ (Livro de Colorir Infantil 5 Anos), Album de Colorir

✌ Cor de Natal Livro de Colorir ✌ Livro de Colorir 6 Anos ✌ (Livro de Colorir Infantil 5 Anos), Album de Colorir

Autor: Kids Portugal

Número de Páginas: 26

🎄 Christmas Coloring! ❄ 🎄 Welcome to this cheerful and festive collection of Christmas themed coloring pages. Christmas is my favorite time of year so it has been the greatest pleasure to create these hand-drawn patterns you to bring to life. Why not color in together and share the Christmas magic? During the exciting build-up and busy post-Christmas period, it is important to find time to take a moment and enjoy all that this magical time of year brings. Treat yourself to a moment of quiet and calm and fill this book full of beautiful, bright and traditional colours which are sure to look attractive enough you to treasure forever. Printed on a large 8.5 x 11 inch book with crisp white paper, this book provides great quality material you to fully appreciate the images. Each illustration has a blank reverse so there is no risk of bleeding through the paper on to the other side. 🎄 I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have loved creating it you! ❄ Best way to color is using pencils, crayons or felt tip (not recommend to color both sides) and Kids can use coloring pages like posters. Drawings are of highest quality and specially created toddlers and preschoolers. This...

✌ Natal Livro de Colorir ✌ Livro de Colorir 4 Anos ✌ (Livro de Colorir Infantil 3 Anos), Album de Colorir

✌ Natal Livro de Colorir ✌ Livro de Colorir 4 Anos ✌ (Livro de Colorir Infantil 3 Anos), Album de Colorir

Autor: Kids Portugal

Número de Páginas: 28

🎄 Christmas Coloring! ❄ 🎄 Welcome to this cheerful and festive collection of Christmas themed coloring pages. Christmas is my favorite time of year so it has been the greatest pleasure to create these hand-drawn patterns you to bring to life. Why not color in together and share the Christmas magic? During the exciting build-up and busy post-Christmas period, it is important to find time to take a moment and enjoy all that this magical time of year brings. Treat yourself to a moment of quiet and calm and fill this book full of beautiful, bright and traditional colours which are sure to look attractive enough you to treasure forever. Printed on a large 8.5 x 11 inch book with crisp white paper, this book provides great quality material you to fully appreciate the images. Each illustration has a blank reverse so there is no risk of bleeding through the paper on to the other side. 🎄 I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have loved creating it you! ❄ Best way to color is using pencils, crayons or felt tip (not recommend to color both sides) and Kids can use coloring pages like posters. Drawings are of highest quality and specially created toddlers and preschoolers. This...

🙋 Natal Livro de Colorir ✎ Livro de Colorir 4 Anos 🎄 (Livro de Colorir Infantil 3 Anos), Album de Colorir

🙋 Natal Livro de Colorir ✎ Livro de Colorir 4 Anos 🎄 (Livro de Colorir Infantil 3 Anos), Album de Colorir

Autor: Kids Portugal

Número de Páginas: 26

🎄 Christmas Coloring! ❄ 🎄 Welcome to this cheerful and festive collection of Christmas themed coloring pages. Christmas is my favorite time of year so it has been the greatest pleasure to create these hand-drawn patterns you to bring to life. Why not color in together and share the Christmas magic? During the exciting build-up and busy post-Christmas period, it is important to find time to take a moment and enjoy all that this magical time of year brings. Treat yourself to a moment of quiet and calm and fill this book full of beautiful, bright and traditional colours which are sure to look attractive enough you to treasure forever. Printed on a large 8.5 x 11 inch book with crisp white paper, this book provides great quality material you to fully appreciate the images. Each illustration has a blank reverse so there is no risk of bleeding through the paper on to the other side. 🎄 I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have loved creating it you! ❄ Best way to color is using pencils, crayons or felt tip (not recommend to color both sides) and Kids can use coloring pages like posters. Drawings are of highest quality and specially created toddlers and preschoolers. This...

50 Verdades Bíblicas Sobre a Riqueza

50 Verdades Bíblicas Sobre a Riqueza

Autor: Gino Leito

Número de Páginas: 174

The Bible is a road map, an instruction manual for life. As money is undeniably important in our everyday lives, shouldn't we be able to find insights on money in the Bible? Of course! - Did you know that money and possessions are referenced more than 2000 times in the Bible? So if the Bible mentions money and possessions that many times, 2 simple conclusions can be drawn: (1) If money is mentioned that many times in the Bible, shouldn't we able to learn a lot about it? (2) If money is mentioned that many times in the Bible, it isn't something irrelevant and unspiritual, right? Did you know that Jesus even says how we handle wealth is decisive in whether we will be entrusted with spiritual riches? So, then how should we handle wealth according to the Bible? This and many other truths can be found in this book! This book contains 50 truths on wealth and prosperity from the Bible. In "50 Bible Truths on Wealth", nothing less than the whole truth of the Bible on the topic of wealth will be covered. Simple practical truths, points for attention but also precautions on money, wealth, possessions and prosperity. So many of the spiritual examples in the Bible had a lot of wealth:...

Santo de Casa

Santo de Casa

Autor: Emilson Nunes , Marcio Jorge Galvao , Vera Young

Número de Páginas: 106

Versao economica black and white interior. Este Livro e um "Livro de Origami" e um "Jogo de Armar" - e um "quebra-cabecas." Os 22 Santos apresentados no Capitulo 1 foram escolhidos entre os mais populares no Brasil. Para sua montagem, foram usadas as "Pecas do Vestuario" (sao 27) e as "Partes do Corpo" (sao 15) do Capitulo 2; e para complementar a representacao, algumas das "Flores, Animais e Adornos" (sao 20), do Capitulo 3. Cada representacao de Santo e acompanhada de uma Tabela Tecnica com dados para sua execucao - quais as "pecas" usadas, as "medidas" do papel e a indicacao da "pagina" onde se encontram. O livro foi organizado para que os leitores possam compor livremente Outros Santos, Personagens ou Cenas, combinando pecas dos Capitulos 2 e 3. O Capitulo 4 tem Quadros e Tabelas em branco para anotacoes e colagem de fotos desses futuros trabalhos. Tem tambem "Santos para Colorir," para um estudo de cores. O livro pode ser util para atividades sobre formas, composicao e proporcoes em sala de aula. Os Santos podem ser usados na Decoracao da Casa, de Cerimonias ou Festas, em Quadros, Convites, Cartoes, Marcadores de Livros. O Livro "Santo de Casa, dobrando com devocao..." e um...

🙋 Natal Livro de Colorir ✎ Livro de Colorir 8 Anos 🎄 (Livro de Colorir Infantil 7 Anos), Album de Colorir

🙋 Natal Livro de Colorir ✎ Livro de Colorir 8 Anos 🎄 (Livro de Colorir Infantil 7 Anos), Album de Colorir

Autor: Kids Portugal

Número de Páginas: 28

🎄 Christmas Coloring! ❄ 🎄 Welcome to this cheerful and festive collection of Christmas themed coloring pages. Christmas is my favorite time of year so it has been the greatest pleasure to create these hand-drawn patterns you to bring to life. Why not color in together and share the Christmas magic? During the exciting build-up and busy post-Christmas period, it is important to find time to take a moment and enjoy all that this magical time of year brings. Treat yourself to a moment of quiet and calm and fill this book full of beautiful, bright and traditional colours which are sure to look attractive enough you to treasure forever. Printed on a large 8.5 x 11 inch book with crisp white paper, this book provides great quality material you to fully appreciate the images. Each illustration has a blank reverse so there is no risk of bleeding through the paper on to the other side. 🎄 I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have loved creating it you! ❄ Best way to color is using pencils, crayons or felt tip (not recommend to color both sides) and Kids can use coloring pages like posters. Drawings are of highest quality and specially created toddlers and preschoolers. This...

✌ Doces de Natal Livro de Colorir ✌ Livro de Colorir 6 Anos ✌ (Livro de Colorir Infantil 5 Anos), Album de Colorir

✌ Doces de Natal Livro de Colorir ✌ Livro de Colorir 6 Anos ✌ (Livro de Colorir Infantil 5 Anos), Album de Colorir

Autor: Kids Portugal

Número de Páginas: 28

🎄 Christmas Coloring! ❄ 🎄 Welcome to this cheerful and festive collection of Christmas themed coloring pages. Christmas is my favorite time of year so it has been the greatest pleasure to create these hand-drawn patterns you to bring to life. Why not color in together and share the Christmas magic? During the exciting build-up and busy post-Christmas period, it is important to find time to take a moment and enjoy all that this magical time of year brings. Treat yourself to a moment of quiet and calm and fill this book full of beautiful, bright and traditional colours which are sure to look attractive enough you to treasure forever. Printed on a large 8.5 x 11 inch book with crisp white paper, this book provides great quality material you to fully appreciate the images. Each illustration has a blank reverse so there is no risk of bleeding through the paper on to the other side. 🎄 I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have loved creating it you! ❄ Best way to color is using pencils, crayons or felt tip (not recommend to color both sides) and Kids can use coloring pages like posters. Drawings are of highest quality and specially created toddlers and preschoolers. This...



Número de Páginas: 96

Revista Tpm. Entrevistas e reportagens sobre comportamento, moda, beleza, viagem e decoração para mulheres que querem ir além dos manuais, desafiando os padrões. Imagem não é tudo.

Guess What! American English Level 2 Student's Book

Guess What! American English Level 2 Student's Book

Autor: Susannah Reed , Kay Bentley

Número de Páginas: 105

Engaging facts, amazing photography and captivating real-life video take young learners on a journey to explore the world as they learn English. Are you ready to explore? What makes our bodies move? Why do whales jump out of water? Guess What! is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography, and captivating video. The highly photographic Student's Book Level 2 brings lessons to life with engaging characters, topics that spark children's curiosity, and a wide variety of activities, including humorous contextual dialogs, songs, chants, games, stories illustrating social values, functional dialogs, and role play. There are plenty of opportunities for developing children's thinking skills and their knowledge of other subjects in the CLIL lessons.

❄ Natal Livro de Colorir ❄ Livros Infantis de Colorir ❄ (Livro de Colorir Infantil), Album de Colorir

❄ Natal Livro de Colorir ❄ Livros Infantis de Colorir ❄ (Livro de Colorir Infantil), Album de Colorir

Autor: Kids Portugal

Número de Páginas: 28

🎄 Christmas Coloring! ❄ 🎄 Welcome to this cheerful and festive collection of Christmas themed coloring pages. Christmas is my favorite time of year so it has been the greatest pleasure to create these hand-drawn patterns you to bring to life. Why not color in together and share the Christmas magic? During the exciting build-up and busy post-Christmas period, it is important to find time to take a moment and enjoy all that this magical time of year brings. Treat yourself to a moment of quiet and calm and fill this book full of beautiful, bright and traditional colours which are sure to look attractive enough you to treasure forever. Printed on a large 8.5 x 11 inch book with crisp white paper, this book provides great quality material you to fully appreciate the images. Each illustration has a blank reverse so there is no risk of bleeding through the paper on to the other side. 🎄 I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have loved creating it you! ❄ Best way to color is using pencils, crayons or felt tip (not recommend to color both sides) and Kids can use coloring pages like posters. Drawings are of highest quality and specially created toddlers and preschoolers. This...

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