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Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 295

Whose truth is the lie? Stay up all night reading the sensational psychological thriller that has readers obsessed, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Too Late and It Ends With Us. #1 New York Times Bestseller · USA Today Bestseller · Globe and Mail Bestseller · Publishers Weekly Bestseller Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity’s notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn’t expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's recollection of the night her family was forever altered. Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents could devastate the already grieving father. But as Lowen’s feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes...

Verity -Extrait offert-

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 18

Toute vérité n'est pas bonne à dire. La vie a toujours souri à Verity Crawford. Ses livres font d'elle une auteur star, sa maison du Vermont est splendide et elle forme avec Jeremy, son mari, un couple parfait. Mais un jour, sur une route, son rêve tourne au cauchemar. L'accident l'empêche d'écrire, transforme sa trop grande maison en prison, et menace de l'éloigner de Jeremy. La vie n'a jamais été tendre avec Lowen ashleigh. Ses livres ne rencontrent qu'un accueil poli, ses finances sont au plus mal et ses histoires d'amour sont des feux de paille. Jusqu'à ce que Jeremy la recrute pour devenir le ghostwriter de Verity et terminer à sa place sa série à succès. Pour Lowen, aussi incongrue que soit la proposition, l'occasion est beaucoup trop belle pour ne pas la saisir, et Jeremy beaucoup trop séduisant pour qu'elle lui dise non. Mais en découvrant, dans les papiers de Verity, ce qui semble être son autobiographie, Lowen va voir se dessiner, page après page, le portrait d'une femme épouvantable, prête au plus atroce des crimes pour ne pas perdre ce qu'elle a, et prompte à toutes les perversités lorsqu'elle se sent menacée. Et aux yeux de Verity, Lowen est...

Summary of Verity

Autor: Alexander Cooper

Número de Páginas: 48

Summary of Verity - A Comprehensive Summary Lowen Ashleigh is a writer, but not a successful one. Her mother died a week ago and she is about to get evicted, so she has nothing to lose when she’s about to have a meeting with her agent to discuss her next project. On her way there she witnesses a deadly accident and a stranger who happened to be there as well helped to clean her up. It happens that this guy, Jeremy Crawford, is one of the people Lowen is about to meet. He is the husband of the famous author Verity Crawford, who is brain-dead after a car accident. Lowen can help finish the last three volumes in a nine part series and officially as a co-writer because the public does not know about Verity’s condition. Lowen accepts and for the next couple of weeks she not only goes through Verity’s office and dozens of notes, she also lives with the couple and their son, Crew, under the same roof. Little does she know what she got herself into and that her world will be turned upside down once more. While she is looking for information for the three books she should write for Verity, she finds another script which turns out to be an unfinished brutally honest autobiography, one ...

Un bonheur imparfait

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 224

Graham et Quinn sont tombés profondément amoureux il y a sept ans. Après une rencontre improbable, ils ont vite compris qu'ils étaient faits l'un pour l'autre. Et puis ils se sont mariés et ont commencé à parler de fonder une famille. Les mois, les années ont passé et Quinn et Graham ne sont toujours que deux et leur couple semble s'effriter un peu plus chaque jour. Le désir de Quinn de devenir mère est devenue une obsession qu'elle n'est plus très sûre que Graham partage totalement. Leur relation se distend et ils semblent de moins en moins se comprendre. Est-ce que l'amour même quand il est aussi fort peut mourir quand les épreuves se multiplient ou au contraire peut-il en sortir renforcé ?

Regretting you - version française

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 296

La fille de Morgan, Clara, ne pourrait pas être plus différente qu'elle. Devenue mère très jeune, Morgan craint plus que tout que Clara fasse les mêmes erreurs qu'elle. Elle mène une vie sans projet ni ambition, qu'elle commence à trouver ennuyeuse et qui la rend de plus en plus invisible auprès des autres. Clara aime sa mère bien sûr, mais ne se reconnaît pas dans cette femme fade et sans volonté à ses yeux. Elle est bien plus proche de son père, Chris, et de sa tante Jenny, la soeur de Morgan. Mais leur monde va voler en éclats lorsque Chris est victime d'un accident de la route qui va lesobliger à reconsidérer toute leur vie et leurs relations. Car, au-delà du drame qu'il suscite, Morganet Clara vont devoir apprendre à communiquer et trouver un sens à leur vie.

Jamais plus

Autor: Colleen Hoover , Pauline Vidal

Número de Páginas: 303

Ce sont ceux que nous aimons qui peuvent nous faire le plus de mal. Lily Blossom Bloom n'a pas eu une enfance très facile, entre un père violent et une mère qu'elle trouve soumise, mais elle a su s'en sortir dans la vie et est à l'aube de réaliser le rêve de sa vie : ouvrir, à Boston, une boutique de fleurs. Elle vient de rencontrer un neuro-chirurgien, Lyle, charmant, ambitieux, visiblement aussi attiré par elle qu'elle l'est par lui. Le chemin de Lily semble tout tracé. Elle hésite pourtant encore un peu : il n'est pas facile pour elle de se lancer dans une histoire sentimentale, avec des parents comme les siens et Atlas, ce jeune homme qu'elle avait rencontré adolescente, lui a laissé des souvenirs à la fois merveilleux et douloureux. Est-ce que le chemin de Lily est finalement aussi simple ? Les choix les plus évidents sont-ils les meilleurs ? Le chemin d'une jeune femme pour se trouver et pour rompre le cycle de la violence. Est-ce que l'amour peut tout excuser ?

Coeurs et Âmes

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 242

La nouvelle romance de l'auteure de Jamais Plus. Beyah a grandi dans la pauvreté, auprès d'une mère droguée qui l'a négligée durant toute son enfance. À dix-neuf ans, elle est enfin prête à voler de ses propres ailes. Seule, avec détermination, elle a su trouver une issue et s'apprête à entrer à l'université avec une bourse obtenue grâce à ses talents de sportive. Alors qu'elle est à deux mois de ce grand départ, la mort brutale de sa mère la plonge dans une situation très compliquée. Sans logement, elle n'a qu'un seul recours : chercher refuge auprès de son père, qui ne s'est jamais occupé d'elle, mais a conservé un lien ténu avec elle. Beyah va débarquer dans sa maison sur une presqu'île touristique où elle va faire connaissance avec les membres de la famille qu'il a bâtie loin d'elle : sa demi-soeur et sa belle-mère. À sa grande surprise, elle est accueillie chaleureusement dans ce milieu si différent du sien. Elle va aussi rencontrer Samson, un garçon de son âge, qui vit dans la somptueuse maison voisine. Ils n'ont rien en commun, pourtant elle sent en lui une âme soeur. Au coeur de cet été, elle va se rapprocher de lui et apprendre à...


Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 229

En forfatter kommer på sporet av en fryktelig sannhet. Et nervepirrende plott som utforsker kjærlighetens mørkeste grenser. En grufull romantisk thriller. COLLEEN HOOVER (f. 1979) er et unikum i amerikansk bokbransje. Hun skriver romaner i skjæringspunktet mellom romantikk og drama. Bøkene er preget av mørk kjærlighet og tunge bakhistorier, og er favoritter på #booktok og #bookstagram. Siden debuten i 2012 har hun gitt ut 23 bøker, med mange plasseringer høyt på New York Times bestselgerlister.

L'année après toi

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 277

San Francisco, le soir du nouvel an. Cara survit miraculeusement à un tragique accident de voiture. Mais sa meilleure amie, Georgina, n'a pas la même chance... Après cette terrible nuit, Cara est consumée par le chagrin. Ses parents l'envoient alors dans un lycée international en Suisse pour qu'elle puisse se reconstruire. Au coeur des montagnes, l'ancienne vie de Cara semble bien loin derrière elle. Pourtant, Georgina et la culpabilité restent présentes à chaque instant. Ici, personne ne connaît l'histoire de Cara et elle compte bien qu'il en soit ainsi. Même si ses nouveaux amis Ren et Hector font tout pour la soutenir et l'aider à avancer. Surtout Hector, qui semble étrangement comprendre le deuil comme personne... Cara sait pertinemment qu'il faut laisser le passé derrière soi et s'ouvrir aux autres pour que la vie puisse enfin continuer. Saura-t-elle accepter qu'elle mérite une deuxième chance ?

All Your Perfects

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 336

A damaged couple in a troubled marriage grapple with the memories and mistakes they've made and secrets they've kept as they try to repair their love.

It Starts with Us

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 271

Before It Ends with Us, it started with Atlas. Multi-million copy bestselling author Colleen Hoover tells fan favourite Atlas’s side of the story and shares what comes next in this long-anticipated sequel to the #1 Sunday Times bestseller It Ends with Us Lily and her ex-husband, Ryle, have just settled into a civil co-parenting rhythm when she suddenly bumps into her first love, Atlas, again. After nearly two years separated, she is elated that for once, time is on their side, and she immediately says yes when Atlas asks her on a date. But her excitement is quickly hampered by the knowledge that, though they are no longer married, Ryle is still very much a part of her life—and Atlas Corrigan is the one man he will hate being in his ex-wife and daughter’s life. Switching between the perspectives of Lily and Atlas, It Starts with Us picks up right where the epilogue for the bestselling phenomenon It Ends with Us left off. Experience the romantic and satisfying conclusion to Colleen Hoover's powerful global bestselling novel, It Ends with Us.

November 9

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon's last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist. Can Ben's relationship with Fallon and simultaneously his novel be considered a love story if it ends in heartbreak?

It Starts with Us: Special Collector's Edition

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

This special collector’s edition of the “stunning sequel” (Publishers Weekly, starred review) to Colleen Hoover’s #1 New York Times bestselling novel—now a major motion picture starring Blake Lively—It Ends with Us, features a beautiful foil jacket over a hardcover case embossed with the author’s signature, newly designed endpapers, a Reading Group Guide, and four delicious, fan-favorite Atlas recipes. Lily and her ex-husband, Ryle, have just settled into a civil coparenting rhythm when she suddenly bumps into her first love, Atlas, again. After nearly two years separated, she is elated that for once, time is on their side, and she immediately says yes when Atlas asks her on a date. But her excitement is quickly hampered by the knowledge that, though they are no longer married, Ryle is still very much a part of her life—and Atlas Corrigan is the one man he will hate being in his ex-wife and daughter’s life. Switching between the perspectives of Lily and Atlas, It Starts with Us picks up right where the epilogue for the “gripping, pulse-pounding” (Sarah Pekkanen, New York Times bestselling author) bestselling phenomenon It Ends with Us left off. Revealing more ...

Finding Cinderella

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 152

From the bestselling author of It Ends With Us, a novella about the search for happily ever after. A chance encounter in the dark leads eighteen-year-old Daniel and the girl who stumbles across him to profess their love for each other. But this love has conditions: they agree it will last only one hour, and it will be only make-believe. When their hour is up and the girl rushes off like Cinderella, Daniel tries to convince himself that what happened between them seemed perfect only because they were pretending it was. Moments like that happen only in fairy tales. One year and one bad relationship later, his disbelief in love-at-first-sight is stripped away the day he meets Six: a girl with a strange name and an even stranger personality. Unfortunately for Daniel, finding true love doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after . . . it only further threatens it. Will an unbearable secret from the past jeopardize Daniel and Six’s only chance at saving each other?

Verity. La sombra de un engaño (Español neutro)

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 295

Lowen Ashleigh, autora al borde de la bancarrota, recibe un encargo que le cambiará la vida: Jeremy, el flamante marido de Verity Crawford, una de las autoras más importantes del momento, la contrata para terminar la serie de libros en la que trabajaba su mujer antes de sufrir un grave accidente que la ha dejado en coma. Lowen se instala en la mansión del matrimonio para poder trabajar en las notas en las que trabajaba Verity, con la esperanza de encontrar material suficiente para empezar con su encargo, pero lo que no esperaba descubrir en la caótica oficina es una autobiografía de la propia Verity, escondida para que nunca salga a la luz.

Heart Bones

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 260

Moving, passionate, and unforgettable, this novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover follows two young adults from completely different backgrounds embarking on a tentative romance, unaware of what the future holds. After a childhood filled with poverty and neglect, Beyah Grim finally has her hard-earned ticket out of Kentucky with a full ride to Penn State. But two months before she’s finally free to change her life for the better, an unexpected death leaves her homeless and forced to spend the remainder of her summer in Texas with a father she barely knows. Devastated and anxious for the summer to go by quickly, Beyah has no time or patience for Samson, the wealthy, brooding guy next door. Yet, the connection between them is too intense to ignore. But with their upcoming futures sending them to opposite ends of the country, the two decide to maintain only a casual summer fling. Too bad neither has any idea that a rip current is about to drag both their hearts out to sea.

Maybe Someday

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends with Us comes a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance. At twenty-two years old, Sydney is enjoying a great life: She's in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers that Hunter is cheating on her--and she's forced to decide what her next move should be. Soon, Sydney finds herself captivated by her mysterious and attractive neighbor, Ridge. She can't take her eyes off him or stop listening to the passionate way he plays his guitar every evening out on his balcony. And there's something about Sydney that Ridge can't ignore, either. They soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one.

Verity: La Sombra de Un Engaño / Verity (Spanish Edition)

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

Lowen Ashleigh, autora al borde de la bancarrota, recibe un encargo que le cambiará la vida: Jeremy, el flamante marido de Verity Crawford, una de las autoras más importantes del momento, la contrata para terminar la serie de libros en la que trabajaba su mujer antes de sufrir un grave accidente que la ha dejado en coma. Lowen se instala en la mansión del matrimonio para poder trabajar en las notas en las que trabajaba Verity, con la esperanza de encontrar material suficiente para empezar con su encargo, pero lo que no esperaba descubrir en la caótica oficina es una autobiografía de la propia Verity, escondida para que nunca salga a la luz. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Lowen Ashleigh accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, the husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, hired her to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity's notes and outlines, but what she doesn't expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's...

Losing Hope / Finding Cinderella Bind-up

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.


Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 287

"Se ancora non avete avuto il piacere di leggere un romanzo di Colleen Hoover, vi suggeriamo di cominciare da questo." - E! News - Lowen Ashleigh è una scrittrice sull'orlo della bancarotta quando riceve l'offerta di lavoro della vita: Jeremy, il marito dell'autrice bestseller Verity Crawford, la vuole assumere perché completi la serie crime di successo della moglie, costretta a letto, in coma, dopo un terribile incidente d'auto. Lowen accetta e si trasferisce nella casa dei Crawford, pronta a fare ordine tra gli appunti e le bozze di Verity, nella speranza di trovare materiale sufficiente per cominciare a scrivere. Quello che però non si aspetta di scovare, in quell'ufficio disordinato, è un'autobiografia non conclusa che l'autrice ha nascosto, da cui, pagina dopo pagina, emergono agghiaccianti rivelazioni, come il racconto della notte che ha cambiato per sempre le sorti di quella famiglia. Lowen decide di mantenere Jeremy all'oscuro del manoscritto, sapendo che quello che contiene potrebbe ferirlo. Ma quando i sentimenti per lui cominciano a farsi più forti, si rende conto che le cose potrebbero essere diverse se lui leggesse quelle parole. Dopotutto, non importa quanto...

Too Late

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

A psychological suspense novel of obsession and dangerous love. The definitive edition of Too Late from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Verity. Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does so, every single day. Caught up with the alluring Asa Jackson, a notorious drug trafficker, Sloan has finally found a lifeline to cling to, even if it's meant compromising her morals. She was in dire straits trying to pay for her brother's care until she met Asa. But as Sloan became emotionally and economically reliant on him, he in turn developed a disturbing obsession with her--one that becomes increasingly dangerous every day. When undercover DEA agent Carter enters the picture, Sloan's surprised to feel an immediate attraction between them, despite knowing that if Asa finds out, he will kill him. And Asa has always been a step ahead of everyone in his life, including Sloan. No one has ever gotten in his way. No one except Carter. Together, Sloan and Carter must find a way out before it's too late...

Maybe Now

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 432

"The long-awaited finale to the New York Times bestselling Maybe Someday series returns with all the characters you fell in love with"--

Verity – Der Epilog zum Spiegel-Bestseller

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 64

Bislang unveröffentlichtes Zusatzkapitel! 6 Monate später ... Jeremy und Lowen wollten die Vergangenheit hinter sich lassen und sind fortgezogen, weit weg von dem Haus, in dem sie mit Verity lebten. Doch dann kommt es zu einer schicksalhaften Begegnung ... Der Epilog zum Bestseller, der alles verändert!

Regretting You

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

"This book club in a box contains 7 stand alone titles of Colleen Hoover.

Verity. La sombra de un engaño

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

Colleen Hoover, un fenómeno imparable. Una novela adictiva por la autora de Romper el círculo (It Ends with Us). «Con una habilidad especial para la novela de emociones de alto voltaje, Hoover ha vendido más de 20 millones de libros. Y lo ha hecho a su manera». The New York Times Lowen Ashleigh recibe un encargo que le cambiará la vida: Jeremy, el flamante marido de Verity Crawford, una de las autoras más importantes del momento, la contrata para terminar la serie de libros en la que trabajaba su mujer antes de sufrir un grave accidente que la ha dejado en coma. Cuando Lowen se instala en la mansión del matrimonio para poder trabajar con los materiales de Verity, descubre una autobiografía escondida en la que Verity hace confesiones escalofriantes. Lowen decide ocultarle el manuscrito a Jeremy, pero a medida que sus sentimientos por él comienzan a intensificarse, se da cuenta que ella podría beneficiarse si Jeremy leyera las palabras de su mujer.

Um caso perdido (Vol. 1 Hopeless)

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 353

Da autora dos best-sellers É assim que acaba e Verity, conheça a história de Sky e Holder sob em Um caso perdido, nesta nova edição com capa inédita da artista Carmell Louize. Algumas vezes, a verdade pode ser impossível de digerir. Às vezes, só às vezes, a mentira parece ser a melhor saída. A melhor opção. Aos 18 anos, Sky cataloga garotos como sabores de sorvete. Alguns são baunilha, outros, um pouco mais ousados. Mas nenhum a empolga. Aliás, o que ela gostaria mesmo de experimentar é o ensino médio, por mais que todas as suas referências sobre o assunto — tiradas d seus amados e fiéis companheiros livros — retratem a escola com as pinceladas de um inferno hormonal. No entanto, Sky é forte e, principalmente, está preparada, apesar dos estranhos pesadelos que a perseguem, que lhe mostram uma garotinha sempre às lágrimas. Então, quando a mãe adotiva a libera para frequentar o último ano na escola local, ela pensa em tirar o máximo da experiência. Mesmo que sua melhor amiga, e única pessoa que conhece na instituição, tenha resolvido fazer intercâmbio na Itália. Sky se vê sozinha na selva de nerds, atletas, populares... e com uma reputação...


Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 304

"When Leeds meets Layla, he's convinced he'll spend the rest of his life with her--until an unexpected attack leaves Layla fighting for her life. After weeks in the hospital, Layla recovers physically, but the emotional and mental scarring has altered the woman Leeds fell in love with. In order to put their relationship back on track, Leeds whisks Layla away to the bed-and-breakfast where they first met. Once they arrive, Layla's behavior takes a bizarre turn. And that's just one of many inexplicable occurrences."--

Em busca de Cinderela / Em busca da perfeição

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 237

Um encontro despretensioso no escuro e uma confissão de amor inesperada: seria a narrativa perfeita, não fosse tudo faz-de-conta. Da autora de É assim que acaba e Todas as suas (im)perfeições, embarque e se apaixone - nessa história de amor nada convencional com os personagens da série Hopeless. Six e Daniel acabaram de se conhecer no mais improvável dos lugares - um armário de vassouras -, e, apesar do desejo mútuo de matar umas aulas e evitar os chatos do colégio, os dois nunca se viram antes. A surpresa rapidamente cede espaço à conexão, uma afinidade repentina e irresistível que os une, conduzindo-os a uma história que tem tudo que os melhores contos de fada nos dizem: juras de amor, condições predefinidas, uma garota escapando nos momentos finais... como Cinderela, à meia-noite. Tempos depois, eles se reencontram. E vão perceber, então, que a realidade nem sempre consegue manter a mesma magia dos contos de fada. Mas quando um segredo imprevisível do passado de um deles vem à tona, o único apoio será um ao outro, e a força de seus sentimentos. Agora, a luz da vida real, em contraste com o escuro do armário onde os dois se encontraram pela primeira...

Slammed (Tome 3) - Entre nous

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 293

L’amour de Lake et Will a résisté aux épreuves les plus difficiles. Ils peuvent enfin profiter d’un peu de sérénité. Le bonheur permettant un regard nouveau sur le passé, Lake se surprend à vouloir tout savoir de celui qui partage son quotidien. Malgré ses doutes, petit à petit, le si secret Will se livre et révèle ses pensées les plus intimes. Mais Lake est-elle vraiment prête à les entendre ?


Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 443

»Voller aufwühlender Emotionen, düster, faszinierend und extrem süchtig machend.« TotallyBooked Blog Ein unmoralisches Angebot. Eine unmögliche Liebe. Und ein Tagebuch, das Unvorstellbares enthüllt ... Ein Romantik-Thriller voller Emotionen und Gänsehaut-Faktor. Die Jungautorin Lowen Ashleigh bekommt ein Angebot, das sie unmöglich ablehnen kann: Sie soll die gefeierten Psychothriller von Starautorin Verity Crawford zu Ende schreiben. Diese ist seit einem Autounfall, der unmittelbar auf den Tod ihrer beiden Töchter folgte, nicht mehr ansprechbar und ein dauerhafter Pflegefall. Lowen akzeptiert – auch, weil sie sich zu Veritys Ehemann Jeremy hingezogen fühlt. Während ihrer Recherchen im Haus der Crawfords findet sie Veritys Tagebuch und darin offenbart sich Lowen Schreckliches ... Leidenschaftliche Gefühle, dunkle Atmosphäre und nervenzerreißende Spannung. »Warnung: Verity wird Ihr Herz nicht erweichen. Es wird Ihnen die Seele erstarren lassen.« Kindle Crack Book Reviews Mit einem neuen Epilog, der alles verändert.

Talvez agora

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

\" Colleen Hoover retorna a história de Ridge, Sydney, Maggie, Warren e Bridgette em Talvez agora, com novos cenários e personagens ainda mais comoventes. Talvez agora - sequência de Talvez um dia - coloca em evidência a vida dos personagens apresentados no livro anterior após Ridge e Sydney terem, finalmente, oficializado seu relacionamento. Agora que o relacionamento de Ridge com Maggie terminou, ele e Sydney estão explorando completamente essa nova liberdade de expressar seus sentimentos. No entanto, ele e Warren são o único suporte de Maggie... e devem aprender a lidar com a situação nesse novo contexto. Enquanto isso, Maggie está desfrutando da nova etapa de sua vida, embora ainda sinta algum ressentimento por tudo o que aconteceu. Após tantos anos vivendo uma relação já estável - e morna - com Ridge, Maggie não consegue prever o que a aguarda. A insegurança com relação a sua doença, o desejo de independência e a ânsia de viver novas e empolgantes experiências É nesse meio que entra Jake, o rapaz que a ajudou a cumprir o primeiro item em sua lista de coisas para fazer: pular de paraquedas. Ele está tão interessado nela quanto ela nele, mas Maggie...

De waarheid

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 316

'De waarheid' is een angstaanjagend goede en verslavende thriller van bestsellerauteur Colleen Hoover. De spannende NA-thriller 'De waarheid' van Colleen Hoover gaat over schrijfster Lowen. Ze kan nauwelijks rondkomen, tot ze de kans van haar leven krijgt: ze mag de populaire boekenserie van Verity Crawford voltooien, die door een auto-ongeluk zelf niet meer kan schrijven. Als Lowen door Verity’s aantekeningen gaat, ontdekt ze een ongepubliceerde autobiografie die verborgen had moeten blijven. Ze besluit om het verhaal verborgen te houden, ook voor Verity’s man Jeremy. Maar dan krijgt ze gevoelens voor Jeremy. Hoelang kan Lowen de waarheid voor zich houden? 'De waarheid' is duister, spannend en immens verslavend: een echte Hoover.

Sem esperança (Vol. 2 Hopeless)

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 334

Após se apaixonar por Sky e Holder em Um caso perdido, agora é a hora de conhecer o outro lado da história. Sem esperança oferece a perspectiva única dos impactantes acontecimentos através do olhar de Holder. Da autora dos best-sellers É assim que acaba e Verity, Colleen Hoover chega com mais um romance arrebatador e emocionante, nesta nova edição com capa inédita da artista Carmell Louize. Às vezes é preciso enfrentar o passado para seguir em frente... Toda história tem dois lados. E agora chegou a hora de descobrirmos a verdade sob o ponto de vista de Dean Holder. Assombrado pela culpa e pelo remorso de não ter conseguido salvar nem a amiga Hope nem a irmã Less, Holder desenvolveu uma personalidade agressiva e desconta sua raiva em qualquer um que tente desafiá-lo. Por mais que tenha se esforçado, jamais conseguiu superar as tragédias que ocorreram após o sequestro de Hope;. Holder nunca imaginou que voltaria a vê-la algum dia, e não acredita na própria sorte ao se deparar com ela depois de tantos anos; agora com outro nome — Sky — e outra família. No entanto, ele não poderia supor que o sofrimento seria ainda maior após o reencontro. Em Sem...

Sans regret

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

À la suite de la mort brutale de son père, Lake s'est promis d'être forte. Du haut de ses 18 ans, elle veut être le roc sur lequel sa mère et son petit frère pourront rebâtir leur famille dévastée. Même si cela implique un déménagement douloureux et même si, au fond d'elle-même, le chagrin a anéanti l'espoir. Sous sa carapace, elle est donc la première surprise de constater l'émotion que lui cause Will, leur nouveau voisin. Ce n'est pas seulement qu'il est beau, mais il a cette passion pour le slam qui lui permet de dire ce qu'il ressent d'une manière qui bouleverse la jeune femme.

The It Ends With Us, It Starts With Us Paperback Collection (Boxed Set)

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

#1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover’s “glorious and touching” (USA TODAY) phenomenon It Ends with Us—soon to be a major motion picture starring Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni—and its long-anticipated sequel It Starts with Us collected in a boxed set that is perfect for new and longtime fans of the evocative story of Lily, Ryle, and Atlas. Rediscover the “brave and heartbreaking” (Anna Todd, New York Times bestselling author) It Ends with Us series with this boxed set from “the queen of the bestseller lists” (USA TODAY). In the #1 New York Times bestselling TikTok sensation It Ends with Us, Lily is overwhelmed with passion for the inflexible and proud Ryle. But her too-good-to-be-true romance is suddenly a lot more complicated when her first love, Atlas, suddenly comes back into her life. Then, in It Starts with Us, read Atlas’s side of the story as Colleen Hoover explores more of Atlas’s past and what the future holds for him, Lily, and Ryle.

The Slammed Paperback Collection (Boxed Set)

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 0

Rediscover the “perfectly poetic” (Tarryn Fisher, New York Times bestselling author) Slammed series from the #1 New York Times bestselling Colleen Hoover with this beautiful, collectable boxed set. In Slammed, the debut novel from “the queen of the bestseller lists” (USA TODAY), young neighbors Layken and Will fall in love—only for a shocking discovery to bring all their hopes and dreams to an abrupt halt. It is only through their mutual love for poetry that they can explore the painful truth in their hearts. As their story continues in Point of Retreat, a surprising revelation about Will’s past further rattles their fraught relationship. Together, they must decide just how far they are willing to go for their future. Finally, in the heartrending This Girl, Layken’s pleas to learn more about Will’s life move him to finally divulge everything about his complicated past. Are they both strong enough to face these painful truths or is it time to move on forever?

Nunca jamais (Parte 2)

Autor: Colleen Hoover , Tarryn Fisher

Número de Páginas: 0

" A segunda parte do suspense romântico de tirar o fôlego Nunca Jamais. Um garoto abre os olhos e sequer se lembra que seu nome é Silas. O telefone toca... “Encontrou ela?”, pergunta a voz do outro lado da linha. Quem é ela? Quem sou eu? Charlie se vê presa em um lugar parecido com quartos de hospital (ou de um manicômio). Também não se lembra de nada, nem sequer do próprio rosto. O tempo passa e ninguém vem salvá-la. Ela precisa escapar por conta própria. Aos poucos, os dois descobrem que vêm perdendo a memória em períodos cíclicos. E também que se amam imensamente. Numa corrida para descobrir a razão dos apagões em suas memórias, Silas e Charlie acabam descobrindo muito mais sobre si e os mistérios que envolvem suas famílias. Mas muito em breve vão esquecer tudo de novo. E precisam estar juntos para evitar o pior. "

It Starts with Us

Autor: Colleen Hoover

Número de Páginas: 336

Before It Ends with Us, it started with Atlas. Colleen Hoover tells fan favorite Atlas’s side of the story and shares what comes next in this long-anticipated sequel to the “glorious and touching” (USA TODAY) #1 New York Times bestseller and major motion picture It Ends with Us. Lily and her ex-husband, Ryle, have just settled into a civil coparenting rhythm when she suddenly bumps into her first love, Atlas, again. After nearly two years separated, she is elated that for once, time is on their side, and she immediately says yes when Atlas asks her on a date. But her excitement is quickly hampered by the knowledge that, though they are no longer married, Ryle is still very much a part of her life—and Atlas Corrigan is the one man he will hate being in his ex-wife and daughter’s life. Switching between the perspectives of Lily and Atlas, It Starts with Us picks up right where the epilogue for the “gripping, pulse-pounding” (Sarah Pekkanen, author of Perfect Neighbors) bestselling phenomenon It Ends with Us left off. Revealing more about Atlas’s past and following Lily as she embraces a second chance at true love while navigating a jealous ex-husband, it proves that...

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